1965 and 2003 Northeastern Blackouts essay Do an independent study on 1965 and 2003 north eastern blackout in United States and write a short report.The re

1965 and 2003 Northeastern Blackouts essay Do an independent study on 1965 and 2003 north eastern blackout in United States and write a short report.The report should not exceed 5 pages and the text should be in times new roman, font size-11 with single spacing and all the paragraphs should be justified. You can include figure and tables to support your write-up. Submit an e-copy of the assignment in pdf format on canvas. Do an independent study on 1965 and 2003 north eastern blackout in United States and write a
short report.
The report should not exceed 5 pages and the text should be in times new roman, font size-11
with single spacing and all the paragraphs should be justified. You can include figure and tables
to support your write-up. Submit an e-copy of the assignment in pdf format on canvas.
I expect you to mention at least the following aspects in your report:
What are the reasons for the blackout ?
Regions and the number of customers affected due to the blackout.
Aftermath of the blackout.
Any measures proposed to prevent future blackouts and improve the reliability of the power
grid. In addition to wikipedia I found the following references to be very useful.
• G. C. Loehr, “The “Good” Blackout: The Northeast Power Failure of 9 November 1965
[History],” in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 84-96, May-June 2017.
• C. Sulzberger, “History – When the lights went out remembering 9 November 1965,” in IEEE
Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 90-95, Sept.-Oct. 2006.
• E. H. Allen, R. B. Stuart and T. E. Wiedman, “No Light in August: Power System Restoration
Following the 2003 North American Blackout,” in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 12, no.
1, pp. 24-33, Jan.-Feb. 2014.
1 • P. Pourbeik, P. S. Kundur and C. W. Taylor, “The anatomy of a power grid blackout – Root
causes and dynamics of recent major blackouts,” in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 4, no.
5, pp. 22-29, Sept.-Oct. 2006.
• B. F. Wollenberg, “In my view – from blackout to blackout – 1965 to 2003: how far have we
come with reliability?,” in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 88-86, Jan-Feb
• L. Pereira, “Cascade to black [system blackouts],” in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol.
2, no. 3, pp. 54-57, May-June 2004.

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