EGN 2615 Globalization History Writing session. requirement : min 450 I attached below the rubric and the chapter which you have to read to write the
EGN 2615 Globalization History Writing session.
requirement :
min 450
I attached below the rubric and the chapter which you have to read to write the paper. 1/26/2019
#GEA1 Prewriting Assignment
#GEA1 Prewri ng Assignment
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Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 10
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Available until Jan 27 at 11:59pm
#GEA 1
Impact of Human and Cultural Diversity on Globalization
Due: Sunday, January 27, by 11:59 pm
This assignment is part 1 of the #GEA1: Impact of Human and Cultural Diversity on Globalization assignment.
The rubric for this assignment is located at the end of the assignment description.
For this prewriting assignment, students will engage with the early research and writing steps necessary to produce a high
quality essay.
Students will:
Choose a concept from your assigned chapter
Explain the concept in your own words, and briefly explain why you find it interesting
Conduct research
Develop a thesis statement (
Engage in a critical review and feedback process designed to:
1. hone students’ abilities to engage in constructive and professional criticism necessary in most workplace settings;
2. help peers improve and polish their work prior to submitting to a public audience; and
Help students improve, revise ( , and polish their own work
through the process of determining what they find well or poorly done in the work of others.
Write an annotated bibliography ( of your
Step 1: Choose and summarize your concept
After rereading your assigned chapter, choose one concept that you find interesting in some way. It may be something you
wish to know more about, something that you want to understand better, something that bothered you, something you found
fascinating, etc.
Once you have chosen the concept you want to write about, summarize the concept in your own words. You may wish to
look up additional resources to help you understand the concept more clearly. In any event, you should offer intext
for whatever sources you use to write your summary (full citations not necessary for this part).
As part of your summary, explain why this concept interests you.
#GEA1 Prewriting Assignment
Step 2: Conduct research
Next, you will conduct research. You must locate two credible sources outside of your textbook. One of your credible sources
will agree with the perspective offered by the author of your textbook. The other credible source will disagree with the
perspective offered by the author of your textbook. If you have exhausted all resources and simply cannot find sources of
opposing/different perspectives, then you must choose another concept.
Read the UNC Chapel Hill Writing Center Handout on “Evaluating Print Sources,” (
tools/evaluatingprintsources/) and utilize the CRAAP Test ( to
ensure that you are using credible sources. Sources that are not found to be credible will result in an evaluation of 0 for that
part of the grading rubric.
Step 3: Annotated Bibliography
Now that you have gathered all your resources, you will develop an annotated bibliography. Your bibliography will include
only 3 entries:
Your textbook
Credible source that agrees
Credible source that disagrees
Include the information below, and structure accordingly:
Name of author(s); date published; title of work; organization that published the work (e.g., book publisher, government
organization, journal name, etc.)
Type of source (e.g., academic article, book, government or organizational report, etc.)
Full APA
( source
citation (provide a complete APA
( style
citation that is consistent with the source type and APA
guidelines for that particular source type; utilize the resources suggested to you to properly complete this step)
Bibliographic annotation (100150 words, required for all 3 sources).
Your bibliographic annotations must:
1. Summarize the central idea (argument/thesis) of the source
2. Briefly explain the qualifications of the source (author(s), organization, etc.) to speak as an authority on the topic
3. Describe what the resource is (e.g., if the resource is a report, explain what the report covers, why it was made, what
audience it is intended for, etc.; if the resource is a book, explain what the book is about, what it covers, what audience it
is intended for, etc.) and how the resource is useful to your essay
Step 4: Thesis Statement
Now that you have a firm grip on your concept and the adjacent and opposing arguments, you will develop your thesis
statement. Starting with a strong, wellinformed thesis statement
statements/) will help you with the overall organization and clarity of your essay.
As you are writing your essay, you may find that your essay does not go in the direction you expected, or perhaps you will
change your mind regarding your position on your concept. That is fine, and you can amend your thesis statement. In fact,
most authors end up amending their thesis statements after they have completed their work to more accurately reflect the
end result of the writing process. However, starting with a strong, clear thesis will help anchor your essay and focus your
#GEA1 Prewriting Assignment
Step 5: Organize your prewriting assignment and submit
Organize your prewriting assignment as laid out above.
Include your name, course title and section, and the date at the top
Clearly label each section for easy identification
Remember that this prewriting assignment is not an essay, and should not be organized as such
Submit your prewriting assignment NO LATER THAN Sunday, January 27, by 11:59 pm
Assignment 1: Prewriting
#GEA1 Prewriting Assignment
To earn marks for this section, students must specify and explain the concept
they have chosen to focus on clearly and concisely.
1 source that agrees
To earn marks in this section, students must include an annotation for one
source that is in agreeance with the position of the author of the textbook.
The source cannot include the author of the textbook as one of the authors of
the source that agrees.
1 source that disagrees
To earn marks in this section, students must include an annotation for one
source that disagrees with the position of the author of the textbook. The
source cannot include the author of the textbook as one of the authors of the
source that disagrees.
Annotated Bibliography
All three sources listed in the assignment (the textbook, a credible source that
agrees, and a credible source that disagrees) are annotated as specified in
the assignment.
Thesis statement
To earn marks for this section, students must include a 12 sentence thesis
statement as outlined in the assignment, and as described by the UNC
“Thesis Statements” handout.
2.0 pts
Concept is
named and
2.0 pts
1.0 pts
Concept is
named but
not clearly
0.0 pts
Concept is
not named
or is not
0.0 pts
1 source that agrees is either not
included, or the authors of the
source include the author of the
Globalization textbook.
2.0 pts
2.0 pts
0.0 pts
Not all three sources are
annotated, or the sources are
annotated in a way that does not
fulfill the requirements described in
the assignment.
2.0 pts
2.0 pts
0.0 pts
1 source that disagrees is either not
included, or the authors of the
source include the author of the
Globalization textbook.
2.0 pts
2.0 pts
2.0 pts
0.0 pts
Thesis statement is not included, is
not clearly defined, exceeds 12
sentences, or is unintelligible.
2.0 pts
Total Points: 10.0
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