Industrial Engineering Can Manufacturing Company Literature Critique Search for a refereed peer-reviewed journal article (i.e., not older than 8-10 years o
Industrial Engineering Can Manufacturing Company Literature Critique Search for a refereed peer-reviewed journal article (i.e., not older than 8-10 years old from today) related to some area of Industrial Engineering from good scholar and write one page Literature Critique. Instructions and example of the complete work are attached below. Please read the instructions carefully before you start writing the paper Literature Critique Format Instructions:
The literature critique is a brief summary of an article from a “refereed journal. Critiques must be
word-processed, single spaced and at most one page. Also, you must have a minimum margin size of 1
inch and a maximum margin size of linch on all sides (i.e., where the top, left and rights sides are even)
of your submitted assignment. Occasionally, your article may not fully reach the bottom margin due to
the writing of your summary; thus, if this occurs, you must not leave more than a 1.5” margin at the
bottom in any case. If necessary, write a longer summary!
The only accepted font size must be 12 pt and Times New Roman font type is required. The paper
should contain 4-5 well-written paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling. In the final paragraph,
briefly discuss something from the article that really impressed you. Only the last paragraph can be
written from the first person point of view, but not in any other location of the literature critique
should ist or 3rd person be used (i.e., do not use ‘we’, you’, ‘T’, etc.).
At the top of the assignment, please include the following:
Literature Critique #?
Date Due: Month Day, Year
By: FirstName M.I. LastName (suffix if applicable)
In addition, a proper bibliographic reference MUST appear at the top of the paper. Although many
reference styles exist, the only style that will be accepted in this class is the APA-style as shown below:
First Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Second Author’s Last Name, First Initial.
Middle Initial. (year of publication). Title of the article with only the first letter of the first word in title
or sub-title as well as proper nouns and acronyms are capitalized. Name of Journal in Italics, volume in
italics (issue number in parenthesis and not in italics if known), first page number-last page number.
Pay very close attention to the details of the APA citation format (such as the location of periods,
commas, use of italics, etc.) This skill becomes very critical as you pursue your endeavors beyond the
walls of MSU.
Sample citation with two authors:
Pitts, Jr., R.A., & Ventura, J.A. (2009). Scheduling manufacturing cells using Tabu Search.
International Journal of Production Research, 47(24), 6907-6928.
Sample citation with >2 authors:
Jerald, J., Asokan, P., Prabaharan, G., & Saravanan, R. (2005). Scheduling optimization of flexible
manufacturing systems using particle swarm optimization algorithm. International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, 25(1), 964-971.
cont’d on next page
Literature Critique #1
Date Due: Month Day, Year
By: FirstName M.I. LastName (suffix if applicable)
Garetti, M., Pozzetti, A., & Tavecchio, R. (1996). Production scheduling in SMT electronic boards assembly.
Production Planning and Control, 7 (2), 197-204.
This article discusses the complex scheduling problem faced during surface mount technology (SMT)
electronic boards assembly. Developing a good production schedule can increase the performance of the
entire production system. Thus, this paper examines the results of research carried out for the
development of a production planning system for managing SMT assembly lines with variable printed
circuit board (PCB) mixes.
The model was set up based on a predetermined production load to meet the requirements of a weekly
production plan, using only automatic component-inserting machines. The production system is made up
of identical machines working in parallel with only one routing for each board. The assembly times varied
according to the board types and the set up time is calculated as “the time required by the operator to place
all component types on the feeders.” It is clear that this scheduling problem contains a sequencing problem
within it; and it has both deterministic and non-deterministic portions as well. The major focus of the
system aims at minimizing the makespan for the assigned production.
In order to achieve the minimization of the makespan, the setup and idle times of the bottleneck machine
has to be reduced. Reduction of setup time occurred by developing PCB mixes that could be produced
without any need for setup. This meant that a setup was only necessary when changing over from one ‘no
setup mix’ (NS mix) to another. After assuming that the bottleneck machine type (machine type with the
highest workload) for the NS mix was the same as the one for the whole examined period, the limitation of
idle time on this bottleneck machine type became the next task of importance.
There are 2 consecutive steps in the scheduling system: 1) generation of NS mixes and 2) sequencing of NS
mixes. The generation of the NS mixes can be achieved by either maximization of machine productivity or
minimization of machine setups. Sequencing of NS mixes can be achieved by minimizing the maximum
operating time for the machine or minimizing the setup time of the system.
In this research, the generation of the NS mixes was divided into three modules: generation of the feasible
mixes, determination of the optimum quantities for each feasible mix, and choice of the no setup mixes. At
the end of this phase, the mixes that share all electronic components on all the machine types and those
mixes that could be produced simultaneously (while fulfilling the constraint forced by the limited machine
component-storage capacity) were now grouped together. Next, the scheduling procedure forms a number
of sequences equal to the number of NS mixes to define a possible starting point. Then, the best sequence is
What really impressed me about this article was how Garetti, Pozzetti, and Tavecchio used various
minimization techniques to actually achieve a reduced makespan for this complex PCB assembly problem.
After realizing the scheduling problem would be too time-consuming to do in the traditional manner, they
developed a heuristic procedure to achieve the main goal (by first achieving several sub-goals along the
way); and they were successful at it. Another thing that impressed me was how they clearly illustrated an
application example, which highlighted the behavior of the scheduling system at the end of the article.
Literature Critique: (due posted date) via Blackboard (Bb) by posted time
NOTE: You MUST send your 1-page literature critique in MS Word (.docx or .doc)
formats on-time to receive a grade and you MUST send a pdf version of the
article…Late assignments will NOT be accepted as the Bb link will disappear!
• Search for a refereed peer-reviewed journal article (i.e., not older than 8-10 years
old from today) related to some area of Industrial Engineering
NOTE: Again, a “refereed” peer-reviewed article is one which has gone through a
review process of referees/judges and usually contains an abstract, introduction,
methodology, results, conclusions, etc. as well as show a few math equations,
figures, tables, etc. For the article you will seek for this assignment, the author(s)
should be showing/discussing how they used “linear programming” for solving
some form of industrial engineering-related problem. It can be for any area of IE
or other engineering field if necessary. If you are not certain, ask someone!
• Webpage articles (i.e., those from Google, Wikipedia, or other websites),
encyclopedia & magazine articles, book chapters or book excerpts are NOT
acceptable. However, the use of Google Scholar and other sites which contain
refereed articles are acceptable. The 3rd page shows some acceptable journals.
• Each student must try to use different articles for this assignment. Any students
who submit plagiarized literature critiques (from either past or current students)
will receive 0% for the assignment.
• SafeAssign (the Bb plagiarism checking tool) will be active for this assignment)
• See the following pages for instructions on how to format a literature critique
• Lastly, an actual full sample of how one should look when completed correctly is
included as well.
cont’d on next page
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