Language Globalization Paper the concept and the thesis are attached the book is here.… Your essay m
Language Globalization Paper the concept and the thesis are attached
the book is here.…
Your essay must be well organized and structured coherently, with an introduction (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., clear thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., well-organized body points, and a conclusion (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. As part of your essay, you must:
Explain one concept from your assigned chapter in the Globalization book (the little book), using your own words. Offer any necessary background.
Advance the argument you make in your thesis statement, using your research to support your thesis.
Clearly state the supporting and opposing perspectives you found in your research. You should paraphrase as much as possible. Include APA style in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that attribute credit appropriately when discussing your sources’ perspectives. You must cite your sources and attribute credit even when you are paraphrasing. Failure to cite sources and attribute credit constitutes plagiarism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Clearly state your own perspective. This should be clearly and professionally integrated. Using the first person “I” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is acceptable.
Essay Minimum Requirements:
Minimum 450 words
A clear, concise, coherent thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.that makes a case/presents an argument.
Clear, well organized, and easy to follow structural organization. Your essay must include a clear, useful, and easily discernible introduction (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and conclusion (see the linked resources for information on how to write introductions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).
You must use and cite three sources – your textbook, a credible agreeing source, and a credible disagreeing source – and your own perspective.
You must use APA formatting (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.for your references, and you must cite your sources appropriately. For example, cite news articles as news articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., academic journal articles as academic journal articles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and government documents as government documents (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., etc. You can find a sample APA reference page here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Step 1: The concept
The concept guiding this study is that language globalization gives attention to the rise of a global
language from the Western countries which is Anglo American English. The exposure of the
culture from the west has been evident through the use of internet which makes the world a small
village (Steger, 2003). Nevertheless, it is important to note that globalization is eliminating other
cultures while at the same time giving more attention to specific cultures, especially from the West.
This makes the concept more interesting because language globalization is one of the main effects
of cultural, protection, changes and eliminations across the world mostly due to global networks.
Step 2: Conducting Research
Language globalization has been evident since the time of colonization when the industrialized
and developed countries forced their language on the weak nations. This was later enforced by
teachers in schools to learn and understand the language. This means that the impact of education
and the growth of the internet have also highly contributed to the rise of a global language which
gives attention to the western culture (Crystal, 2003). In addition, continents such as Africa, the
effect of language globalization has been evident because they make English one of their main
languages in order to fit in the dynamic growing cultural globalization.
On the other end, language globalization has not yet eliminated the native languages and cultures
especially in the countries which have less participation in globalization. For instance, there are
local communities in Africa which have not yet indulged into language globalization fully with a
motive to retain their local languages. In most cases this happens when such a country is gaining
less economically from learning the world language. On some other parts of the world, such as
Hong Kong and Singapore they still value their culture and ancestral language (Erling & Seargeant,
2013). Such communities believe that protecting local languages is part of maintaining their
Step 3: Annotated Bibliography
Steger, M. B. (2003). Globalization: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University
Steger’s book offers a deep insight in relation to cultural globalization. This involves
lifestyle and language globalization. Taking an approach in relation to internet growth, the author
has insisted that it has contributed to the high rate of globalization. Dr. Steger, as a professor of
global studies at RMIT University in Australia, he researched on cultural dimensions such as
language and the way they have influenced the cultural changes across the globe. In chapter five
he insisted that the emergences of global media networks which are controlled by the dominating
countries from the west are leading to the rise of the homogenized culture. The insights from this
chapter are highly relevant to my research since I will be trying to understand the role of
globalization and its effect on language and culture.
Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
David Crystal’s book gives a wide knowledge of how English has grown to be global
language.. On the same point, the author’s main theme argues that the spread of English as a
language was highly effective since the colonial rule which has lately led to language globalization.
David Crystal as a British professional Linguist, in his research he was aware of many countries
who are adopting the use of English in order to be successful economically. He argues that this has
led to the elimination of cultural ways or ancestral languages from weak nations in order to adopt
the western culture. This book is highly interactive on how nations have made English their first
official language. The book is relevant to my research since it will help me understand the
dominance of English as a language in different cultures globally.
Erling, E. J., & Seargeant, P. (2013). English and development: Policy, pedagogy, and
globalization. Bristol: Multilingual Matters
The authors of the book Erling Elizabeth and Philip Sergeant based their experience on
globalization and how it has affected the language and cultural dimension across the world. The
authors attempt to prove that the world is not yet fully emerged into the western culture and Anglo
American English. Dr. Erling Elizabeth as a Senior Lecturer in International Teacher Education in
language studies and Philip Sergeant as a lecturer in applied linguistic both from Open University
UK researched on cultural globalization. They firmly gave an illustration of the way regions in
Asia such as Singapore has maintained their ancestral language because they value their heritage.
This is the same with Africans because they have not yet fully indulged in cultural globalization.
The content of the book was highly descriptive which will provide material on how different
cultures have responded to language globalization and the rise of Anglo American English.
Step 4: Thesis statement
Language globalization has led to the dominance of Anglo-American English as the main
language across the world. This has resulted in culture and native language elimination due to the
rise of western culture.
Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Erling, E. J., & Seargeant, P. (2013). English and development: Policy, pedagogy, and
globalization. Bristol: Multilingual Matters
Steger, M. B. (2003). Globalization: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press
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