Traditional Film Vs Digital Dental Radiography Research Paper: Each student will be responsible for their own individual research paper on one of the foll

Traditional Film Vs Digital Dental Radiography Research Paper:

Each student will be responsible for their own individual research paper on one of the following assigned topics (See Groups 1-4 below for topics).

Group Presentation:

Students with the same research paper topic will be grouped together, and are required to do a 10-15 minute class presentation in the form of a debate. Half of this group will support one side and the other half will argue the opposing side.

Group 1: Traditional (film) vs. Digital Dental Radiography

The main focus of this 3-4 page research paper (APA format) is to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages for the assigned topic. Your individual paper will research BOTH sides, but you will support only one side for the group debate presented to the class. Your research should prepare you to take either side. Be able to support your argument based on your research findings.

See Rubric and for each category be sure to read all criteria to get details on how you will be graded.

You are required to utilize the writing center (verify your visit with a dated signature by writing center personnel). You are also urged to refer to the following handout and visit the following links:

APA Format Handout.docx

comma usage: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

APA format:
(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Radiology Research Project

Radiology Research Project

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic-FocusedResearch is on the assigned topic and focuses on advantages/disadvantages, comparing and contrasting in preparation for a group presentation to the class in form of a debate.

15.0 pts

Focus is on the assigned topic and includes advantages/disadvantages, compare/contrast

10.0 pts

Most info is related to topic but loses focus in some areas and/or does not cover both advantages/disadv. and compare/contrast

5.0 pts

Focus is not on the main topic and does not cover adv/disadv and compare/contrast

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationContent portion of paper is organized with subheaders: Intro, Body, and Conclusion, and content clearly flows from Intro, body, conclusion.

15.0 pts

Paper is logically organized and clearly flows from Introduction to Body, then Conclusion

10.0 pts

Somewhat unorganized and does not flow from intro to body to conclusion

5.0 pts

Paper lacks organization

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammarSpelling errors, use of commas, sentence/paragraph formation, punctuation

15.0 pts

0-2 Grammatical errors in spelling, use of commas, sentence/paragraph structure or punctuation

10.0 pts

3-5 errors

5.0 pts

6 or more errors

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormattingLength: Title page, abstract page, three to four content pages, and a reference page. Double-spaced, 12 point font, 1″ margins, Times New Roman font. Must use 3-5 total references.

15.0 pts

All requirements for length, number of references, spacing, font, and margins are met

10.0 pts

1 error in formatting

5.0 pts

2 or more errors in formatting

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA formatEntire paper follows APA format to include: title page, abstract page, running heads, in-text citations, separate reference page w/ correct format for citing the type of references used. You must verify your visit to the writing center as part of your APA format grade.

15.0 pts

0-1 error in APA format

10.0 pts

2-3 errors in APA format

5.0 pts

4 or more aspects of the paper do not follow APA format OR student did not verify visit to writing center

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGroup PresentationEach group will be divided to argue/support one side and present to the class in the form of a debate. Presentation will be 10 minutes (+ or – 5 minutes) and will clearly state advantages/disadvantages and/or compare/contrast for the assigned topic

25.0 pts

Presentation was 10 min.(+ or – 5 min.) in length and followed criteria given for the assigned topic

10.0 pts

Presentation was 6 min. under or over and/or part of the assigned criteria was omitted

5.0 pts

Presentation was 7+ minutes over or under and did not cover any of the assigned criteria

25.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0 APA Format Guidelines: (also see Purdue OWL APA Format website)
1. General Format: Entire paper double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides in 12-point Times New
Roman font. 4 Main sections: Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References.
2. Title Page: Centered on upper half of the page and Double-Spaced:
Title of Paper
Your Name
Institution Name (Florida Southwestern State College)
Page number goes at the right margin, running head (see #3 below) at left margin.
3. Running Head: On the title page upper left corner (at 1″ margin), indicate the following:
Running head: TITLE OF PAPER
Then on all subsequent pages in upper left corner (at 1″margin):
TITLE OF PAPER (in all caps and without “Running Head” before it)
4. Abstract Page (Separate page following your title page): On the first line (after the running head in
upper left corner) center the word “Abstract” without quotations, italics, underlining or bold. The next
line at left 1″ margin and follows in block form (no indentations). Between 150-200 words, one block
paragraph (no indentations) and double-spaced. Abstract contains your topic, a summary of your paper
including any research methods, results, and conclusions. OPTIONAL: You can include key words by
indenting the last line of the abstract with the following: Keywords (italicized): then list your keywords
(not italicized)
5. Body of Paper: Should flow from an introduction to the main body to the conclusion. In-text
citations must be included by listing the author’s last name, first initial, followed by the year in
parenthesis. James, A. (2002). See website for format when more than one author exists. Page or
paragraph numbers are required when using direct quotes. Direct quotes 40 words or under: include in
your text with quotation marks, over 40 words: an indented block of words without quotation marks.
6. Reference Page: At the top of the last page of your paper, center the word References (no
quotations, bold or underlining).
Basic Rules of Reference Page:

All lines after the first line of each entry is indented 1/2 inch (this is called a hanging
Authors’ names for each reference are listed alphabetically with last name first then a comma,
first initial and the year in parenthesis. (See website for format with multiple authors)
Multiple articles by same author are listed in chronological order from earliest to latest.
Present journal titles in full
Capitalize all major words in journal titles.

Titles of books, chapters, journal articles and web pages: Capitalize only the first letter of the
first word and the first word after a colon or dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not
capitalize the first letter of the second word in a hyphenated compound word.
Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journal titles.
Do not italicize, underline, or put quotation marks around the titles of shorter works such as
journal articles. Just the title of the journal (not the article) needs to be italicized.
Indicate authors, titles, and “Retrieved from http:” for website references.
NOTE: “Acceptable” Turnitin Percentages: 25%

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