The bottlenose dolphin PowerPoint Project This project is an opportunity to show-what-you-know regarding biology, evolution, biological diversity, and adap
The bottlenose dolphin PowerPoint Project This project is an opportunity to show-what-you-know regarding biology, evolution, biological diversity, and adaptation.
Environmental change drives natural selection. New traits are selected to increase the chances of survival of the species. These selected traits can accumulate over time to create a new species. This new species will have new adaptations suited to help it survive in its changed habitat.
For this project you need to…
1. Describe a species of today and the habitat that it lives in.
2. Create an environmental change significant enough to change this habitat and cause the species to adapt.
3. Describe the new habitat after the environmental change.
4. Create a new species that evolved because of the environmental change.
5. Describe in detail how the species adapted to successfully survive in the new habitat.
6. How does genetics fit in regarding successful survival?
7. What is its taxonomy?
A picture of the species (before and after) would be extremely helpful.
Remember to include HOW and WHY the species evolved.
Which mechanisms of evolution would be involved? —
Species Description (Before adaptation)
A 10 (10.00%) points
Clearly, creatively describes initial (already existing) species
B 8 (8.00%) points
Describes initial (already existing) species, lacking some creativity or clarity
C 7(7.00%) points
Partially describes initial (already existing) species
D 6 (6.00%) points
Poorly/incorrectly describes initial (already existing) species
F 0 (0.00%) points
Fails to describe initial (already existing) species
Species Habitat (Before adaptation)
A 10 (10.00%) points
Clearly, creatively describes initial habitat that the already existing species lives in
B 8 (8.00%) points
Describes initial habitat that the already existing species lives in, lacking some creativity or clarity
C 7(7.00%) points
Partially describes initial habitat that the already existing species lives in
D 6 6.00%) points
Poorly/incorrectly describes initial habitat that the already existing species lives in
F 0 (0.00%) points
Fails to describe initial habitat that the already existing species lives in
Why species had to adapt
A 10(10.00%) points
Clearly, creatively describes the environmental or habitual changes that necessitated an adaptation. Uses support from
B 8 (8.00%) points
Describes the environmental or habitual changes that necessitated an adaptation, lacking some creativity or clarity. Uses some
support from readings
C 7(7.00%) points
Partially describes the environmental or habitual changes that necessitated an adaptation. Little support from readings.
D 6 (6.00%) points
Fails to describe the environmental or habitual changes that necessitated an adaptation
NEW Species Habitat
A10 (10.00%) points
Clearly, creatively describes the new habitat that necessitates species change.
OB 8 (8.00%) points
Describes the new habitat that necessitates species change, lacking some creativity or clarity
OC 7 (7.00%) points
Partially describes the new habitat that necessitates species change.
OD 6(6.00%) points
Poorly/incorrectly describes the new habitat that necessitates species change.
OF 0 (0.00%) points
Fails to describe the new habitat that necessitates species change.
NEW Species Description (including adaptations)
A 10 (10.00%) points
Clearly, creatively describes what the new species looks like including adaptations.
B 8 (8.00%) points
Describes what the new species looks like including adaptations, lacking some creativity or clarity.
C 77.00%) points
Partially describes what the new species looks like including adaptations.
OD 6 6.00%) points
Poorly/incorrectly describes what the new species looks like including adaptations.
OF 0 (0.00%) points
Fails to describe what the new species looks like including adaptations.
How genetics fit in (natural selections, mutations, genotype & phenotype, etc.)
A 20 (20.00%) points
Clearly discusses how genetics play a role in species evolution including the mechanisms for change, and the genetic makeup of the new species. Uses support from readings
B 16 16.00%) points
Discusses how genetics play a role in species evolution including the mechanisms for change, and the genetic makeup of the new species. , lacking some creativity or clarity. Uses some support from readings.
C14 (14.00%) points
Partially discusses how genetics play a role in species evolution including the mechanisms for change, and the genetic makeup of the new species. Little support from readings.
NEW species taxonomy
A 10 (10.00%) points
Clearly notes where the new species fits into the taxonomy as compared to the original species. Uses support from readings.
B 8 (8.00%) points
Notes where the new species fits into the taxonomy as compared to the original species. Uses some support from readings.
OC 7(7.00%) points
Partially mentions where the new species fits into the taxonomy as compared to the original species. Uses little support from readings.
OD 6 (6.00%) points
Poorly incorrectly mentions where the new species fits into the taxonomy as compared to the original species. Uses no support from readings.
OF 0 (0.00%) points
Fails to mention where the new species fits into the taxonomy as compared to the original species. Uses no support from readings.
Presentation (grammar, neatness, clarity of information)
O A 10 (10.00%) points
Project is free of misspellings, words are capitalized correctly, sentences are punctuated correctly, and there are no run-on or fragment sentences.
B 8 (8.00%) points
Few grammatical mistakes.
C 7 (7.00%) points
Some grammatical mistakes
D 6 (6.00%) points
Many grammatical mistakes.
F 0 (0.00%) points
Project is not turned in or is grammatically illegible.
Creativity & timeliness
A 10 (10.00%) points
Project is well organized and thought out with flair and originality. Choice of medium effectively presents the information
B 8 (8.00%) points
Project is organized and thought out with some flair and originality. Choice of medium effectively presents the information.
O C 7 (7.00%) points
Ideas were expressed and presented clearly. Organization needs some work.
D 6 (6.00%) points
Project lacks strong organization and only presents a few ideas.
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