Physical geography paper Writing Milestone #1: Gathering and Citing Sources Writing Milestone #2: Making an Outline Writing Milestone #3: Writing the Paper

Physical geography paper Writing Milestone #1: Gathering and Citing Sources Writing Milestone #2: Making an Outline Writing Milestone #3: Writing the Papermake sure that following all these reqirements. Writing Milestone #1: Gathering and Citing Sources
For the 1st milestone, you will need to select a topic related to physical geography.
The following requirements and steps will guide you in selecting your sources.
1. Select any physical geography topic you would like, but make sure it is not too broad
a. One example is briefly discussing earthquakes in general, then using most of your
paper to discuss a specific earthquake in more detail
b. Another example is comparing and contrasting two phenomena, such as two
hurricanes, after providing a little background information on hurricanes
2. Once you have identified your topic, you will need to find your sources
a. Be SURE that these sources relate to your topic and contain useful information
b. Your sources MUST meet the following criteria
i. You must have at least 10 sources (you may have more than 10)
ii. At least 4 must be from peer-reviewed scientific literature
iii. Only 2 may be from newspaper articles (online or print)
iv. All sources must be credible – avoid personal web pages
c. If you use databases to locate sources, dig deeper and get to the actual source –
not just the one available through the database
3. Once you have gathered sources that meet these criteria, you must format them in a
reference list (be sure to tell me your topic at the top of the list or in the heading)
a. Be sure look at the “Sample Paper” document in Canvas for citation examples
i. If you use citation generating software, be sure to double check its work
b. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins, a hanging indent, single spacing
c. Be sure that your list is in alphabetical order
d. Be sure that you pay attention to detail when making your source list
Writing Milestone #2: Making an Outline
For the second milestone, you will need to read your articles and create an outline from which
you will eventually write your final paper. This will help you with one of the hardest parts of
writing a paper – the organization. To do this, I would set aside a section at the beginning and at
the end of your outline for the introduction and conclusion. Between these two sections, I would
devote a section or two to each of the main topics you have identified from your sources. Be
sure that your topics (the sections of your outline) follow in a logical order. For example, don’t
describe what hurricanes are and how they form in the middle of your paper after having talked
about a specific hurricane for several paragraphs. That is, try to keep the general information
toward the beginning, and then dive into the specifics of your topic. Pay close attention to the
following steps and requirements when constructing your outline.
1. Thoroughly read each article you have chosen and identify its main points. These will
serve as the topics in your outline (and therefore the paragraphs in your paper)
a. You may want to start with the governmental/educational/news sources and create
a framework for your outline from these
b. Because parts of the peer-reviewed sources will be harder to fully understand, I
don’t expect you to use every piece of information in them. However, they will
provide you with pieces of information to “fill in” parts of your outline
2. Be sure to keep track of useful details and statistics as you create your outline, and be
especially sure to cite which source the information came from (this is much easier than
going back and trying to remember later when you are writing your paper).
3. IMPORTANT: your final paper will be a synthesis of your 10 sources, so you must
organize your outline around main topics, not around each source
4. The outline should be single-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font with 1” margins
5. The material in the outline should be sourced so that you know where it came from
a. Look at the “Sample_Paper” document for correct in-text citations
6. Include your revised reference list at the end of your outline (in the same document)
a. Be sure you have made the suggested revisions from Milestone #1
7. Your outline (not including revised reference list) must be at least 3 pages single-spaced.
If shorter, you will not have enough information to write a 5-page paper. Remember, the
more information you gather and organize now, the easier it will be to write your paper
8. Look at the example of a good outline on Canvas and model your outline after it
9. Submit in MS Word or Open Office format through the “Assignments” tab in Canvas
Writing Milestone #3: Writing the Paper
Now, you will take the information in your outline and write your paper. You have already done
much of the hard work, like searching through your sources and organizing your information, so
this step should go smoothly. As you write, be sure to meet the requirements listed below.
1. From the outline, write a 5-page, double-spaced paper that synthesizes the information
from all of your sources
a. DO NOT copy and paste anything from the article
b. Everything MUST be put in your own words (no quoted material)
c. Follow the formatting rules from the rubric and in the “Sample Paper” document
i. Times New Roman 12pt font, 1” margins, double spacing
ii. The reference list should still be single-spaced
d. Do not use I, we, our, etc. in your paper – take yourself out of it – just state the
facts from your sources and cite them
2. Be sure to use in-text citations for all information that is not your own. Even if it is in
your own words, you still must cite all ideas, statistics, etc. that are not your own
3. Include a table or figure in your paper that helps to make your point
a. For example, a table that shows the world’s deadliest earthquakes
b. The table or figure must be your own, no copying and pasting
c. Refer to the table or figure in the text, and create a caption for it
d. If your table takes up no more than ½ page, it will count toward your 5-page
requirement; if it is larger, you must write more than 5 pages to make up for it

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