A More Perfect Union Hello, I need only one paragraph length comment at the end of this peer’s essay. You must critique how effectively the essay summarize

A More Perfect Union Hello, I need only one paragraph length comment at the end of this peer’s essay. You must critique how effectively the essay summarizes the source text. (both attached) Obama’s Perfect Union
Welcome to America where in every aspect of the country is based off of the color of
your skin. Race sets the standard of what people can and cannot do. Race also sets the precedent
for laws to make sure that some people cannot receive certain resources. President Obama ran for
president in 2008. This was a pivotal point in history because only a few black people ran for
President and even less were successful. Obama was ridiculed for running for president. In 2007
Barack Obama’s speech “A More Perfect Union” to elaborate and expose the racial dynamic in
America and how he plans to change America as a whole.
In the beginning of his speech introduces the history of racism in America. The
Constitution established that all men are created equal. However, that was false and still is.
African Americans were still enslaved and had no access to their rights as citizens. Obama then
takes time to address his former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Rev.Wright made statements that
Obama didn’t agree with, but he addressed it to show that even though he came from Trinity that
those views don’t reflect his views. Also to show that just because he is black that all black
people think alike because we are the same race. Later, Obama reflects back on how Rev. Wright
grew up in an era of segregation. When black people couldn’t get into schools, get certain jobs,
and wasn’t able to establish any wealth for future generations. The problem is this is still the
reality for black people in America today. Obama explains that the same struggles Rev.Wright
had to go through are the same that black people have to struggle through in present day
America. The other issue is the anger that was present in the fifties and sixties never died. In fact
it grew and grew. This anger spewed into conversations in public places at the dinner table in
homes and this anger is used as fuel for politicians to win votes based off of racial lines being
Barack Obama also doesn’t forget the fact that racial issues in America affect the white
community as well. The white community feels as though their privilege only goes so far. The
things they have worked hard for such as their jobs and pensions are sent away overseas and
retirement has diminished. Obama explains that this resentment toward black people is because
injustices that happened years ago gives the black community an advantage over the white
community. Advantages such as a good job or getting into a good college or university due to
affirmative action. Race not only affects the black community negatively but the white middle
class if affected as well. The effect just grows the anger between the two groups and tears them
apart even further. Obama further explains that this anger is used to dismantle what the real
definition of racism is and is used for political gain.This political gain is used to further separate
both communities and make it harder to create unity between the two groups.
Now America is in a racial stalemate. However, Barack Obama has a plan has a plan to
bring America the dark cave of racism and out into the light of unity. Obama gives specific ways
that this racial tension can start dissolving. Cautiously, Obama reminds the people that this plan
of action will not happen overnight nor will it happen if he is elected.This is a process that will
take some time for people to heal and work toward to move forward. Obama again points out
that Rev. Wright made statement inferring that America has made no progress since the fifties
and sixties. However, these claims are false. It may seem as though there has been no change
considering the fact that racism still exist. But there have been many steps in the right direction
to steer America in the right direction. Obama continues to try and pursue a plan to continue
driving America into the right direction.
First African Americans must embrace the past but not become victims of the past. This
means recognizing what happened in the past but not get caught up and become victims. African
Americans must advocate for better health care, school systems, and jobs. Also taking full
responsibility for their lives and demanding better for their people.In order for African
Americans to get ahead they must work and demand for it. Change doesn’t come for people who
don’t demand more for themselves.
In the white community, they must recognize that racism exist and the struggles that
African Americans go through are real life situations. Such as not discriminating against black
people, making sure the justice system is fair and equal, and making opportunities from the past
a reality for black people in America. Also Obama makes it clear that these opportunities are not
going to negatively affect the white community or come at some sort of cost. He is simply saying
that some sacrifices are needed to be made in order to make sure everyone can blossom.
Obama is making a call to action. To try and mend what has been been broken for so
long. He calls for both groups to invest in things to make each other better, not continue to try to
fight and to the top to make one group seem better than another because of privilege. Since both
groups have issues that stem from the past, he ensures that in order to move forward we must
reach back and remember and acknowledge where the root of the problem stemmed from and
figure out how to approach it and not become a victim.
In the end Obama’s perfect union may never be truly perfect but it’s a step in the right
direction to making America more unified than it has been before. The goal of Obama’s speech
is was to expose race relations in America an try to heal what has happened in the past in order to
move forward and make the dream of our founding fathers a reality.

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