Cultural Anthropology Participant Observation Assignment Help Demonstrate the ability to see issues from the perspective(s) of other groups/cultures by des

Cultural Anthropology Participant Observation Assignment Help Demonstrate the ability to see issues from the perspective(s) of other groups/cultures by describing the values and communication styles found in groups different from one’s own and the way in which those differences can affect styles of verbal and nonverbal communicationfor more Info open Word document HOMEWORK #1: Participant Observation Assignment
– Objective
o Demonstrate the ability to see issues from the perspective(s) of other groups/cultures by
describing the values and communication styles found in groups different from one’s own
and the way in which those differences can affect styles of verbal and nonverbal
– Assignment
o Participant observation is a key methodology in cultural anthropology. This assignment is
designed to provide you with firsthand experience conducting anthropological fieldwork in
a local population. There are two parts to this assignment.
▪ PART 1: Pitch Idea
• Students should write a short (200 words) abstract that pitches their
participant observation site (fieldwork setting or institution). Fieldwork
sites should be located within a major societal institution or public space,
such as health care, criminal justice, education, employment, voting,
military, religion, recreational or public space, or other institutions with
permission of instructor. Students should identify a basic question about
why their site is important to understand social and cultural issues. You
should locate at least one peer-reviewed source about your fieldwork
institution to read for background information for this abstract. This can
be from a journal or book.
• The instructor will provide feedback on the student’s idea and fieldwork
institution before they can move on to participant observation.
▪ PART 2: Field Report
• In a well-organized and well-written essay of three-to-four pages (5
pages max; full 3 pages minimum), you will be writing up the results of
your participant observation task. Your assignment should cover the
o Participant observation. Plan to attend at least one hour at your
fieldwork institution.
▪ Observe what is happening in as much detail as
possible. Some things to look for are the arrangement of
the physical space of the institution, the kinds of
activities taking place, the kind of people who are there
(age, ethnicity, social class, gender, etc.), people’s
verbal and non-verbal behaviors, and other
manifestations of cultural organization.
▪ Look for patterns.
▪ On the same day you do the observation, write up
your notes on your own behavior, feelings, and
reactions, and findings (what you learned about the
community and institution). It may not be appropriate to
take notes during your activity in some places, but be
sure to do it immediately after you leave when you can
recall the most details. You must turn your notes in along
with your essay. Your notes should not be part of the
▪ Where appropriate, talk to people there and let them
know about your assignment and ask further questions
or solicit an interview for the next assignment. You
will be referencing your field site in a follow-up
assignment, so make sure your observations are
o Field report. Your essay should cover the following points:

Brief description of where you went, when you were
there, and why you selected that site.
A synthesis of your observations (notes), including
patterns you identified and your own reactions. This
should include your own analysis of what you observed
and thought was occurring during your observation
Your first impressions about the kinds of ideas and
cultural values that you think are reflected in the patterns
of behavior you identify.
Your reflections on the diversity of the people at your
fieldwork institution.
Any remaining questions you may have or information
you feel you may be missing in order to understand the
location and events you observed.
The assignment should be turned in as a Microsoft Word
document in 12-pt. font with 1” margins.
It MUST be submitted both in class and online
through Canvas.
o You will be graded out of 50 total points, according to the following rubric:
▪ 0-15 points: Write clear abstract that identifies a fieldwork site, explains why it is
important, and uses at least one peer-reviewed source
▪ 0-20 points: Write in-depth field report based on participant observation, fully
addressing the five points above.
▪ 0-10 points: Transcript of participant observation notes
▪ 0-5 points: Appropriate use of citations

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