HCA440 Evaluating Research for Credibility: Venezuelan health crisis For this assignment, you will need to find content from THREE Sources and evaluate the

HCA440 Evaluating Research for Credibility: Venezuelan health crisis For this assignment, you will need to find content from THREE Sources and evaluate the content and its credibility using the template. Your sources must be from the healthcare industry or business industry with a healthcare focus. You must include:

Professional Publication (one article or study)
Popular Press Publication (a newspaper or magazine you can purchase at a bookstore or newsstand) (One article)
A website

Using the template, evaluate each source for

Currency (the age of the source)

Please be sure you provide the full APA source for each source and respond to all questions in the templated table.


Your responses to the items below should be thorough, well-conceived college-level responses that are free of spelling and grammar errors.
Write your answers in complete sentences.
You must justify your responses with facts and details from the readings, and with your conclusions.
An appropriate length for this assignment is one page.
Be sure to cite your source(s) using APA. (It is not necessary to format your assignment using APA); however, please create a reference page.
Create your assignment in a Microsoft Word document.
Save your file using the following file naming convention: U1_assignment1_2_your name. Unit 1 Assignment 1-2 Template – Evaluating Research for Credibility
Note: The template provides 3 tables (one for each reference required by the assignment)
APA Reference:
Checklist for Evaluating Research Sources (Professional Journal)
Explain if the authority in
the material is clear and
legitimate and if the writer
is qualified. If it does not
meet the criteria of
“authority, please explain
How is/can the factual
information be verified by a
legitimate authority?
Explain if one opinion can
be verified against another
opinion on the same topic.
Objectivity Discuss the advertising,
bias and hidden agendas
in the material. Provide
examples of impartial
language and/or credible
Discuss the currency of the
resource. Include the age
of the source and a
statement on if the source
reflects the most up-todate research.
Is the material complete,
partial, or out of context?
Please explain. If the
material is out of context,
is there a path to find the
source? Please map that
path out. If the material is
out of copyright, has it
been updated to make it
more current. Please
provide and example.
APA Reference:
Checklist for Evaluating Research Sources (Popular Press)
Explain if the authority in
the material is clear and
legitimate and if the writer
is qualified. If it does not
meet the criteria of
“authority, please explain
How is/can the factual
information be verified by a
legitimate authority?
Explain if one opinion can
be verified against another
opinion on the same topic.
Discuss the advertising,
bias and hidden agendas
in the material. Provide
examples of impartial
language and/or credible
Discuss the currency of the
resource. Include the age
of the source and a
statement on if the source
reflects the most up-todate research.
Is the material complete,
partial, or out of context?
Please explain. If the
material is out of context,
is there a path to find the
source? Please map that
path out. If the material is
out of copyright, has it
been updated to make it
more current. Please
provide and example.
APA Reference:
Checklist for Evaluating Research Sources (Website)
Explain if the authority in
the material is clear and
legitimate and if the writer
is qualified. If it does not
meet the criteria of
“authority, please explain
How is/can the factual
information be verified by a
legitimate authority?
Explain if one opinion can
be verified against another
opinion on the same topic.
Discuss the advertising,
bias and hidden agendas
in the material. Provide
examples of impartial
language and/or credible
Discuss the currency of the
resource. Include the age
of the source and a
statement on if the source
reflects the most up-todate research.
Is the material complete,
partial, or out of context?
Please explain. If the
material is out of context,
is there a path to find the
source? Please map that
path out. If the material is
out of copyright, has it
been updated to make it
more current. Please
provide and example.

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