NSG256 Strategies to Promote Health Among nurses University of Phoenix Material Research Topic, Problem, and Question Complete this worksheet to develop

NSG256 Strategies to Promote Health Among nurses University of Phoenix Material

Research Topic, Problem, and Question

Complete this worksheet to develop your research focus for this course. To help you better understand the main parts of research, this topic will be the basis for other assignments in the course.

Identify a Research Topic

Grove, Gray, and Polit (2015) define a research topic as “a concept or broad issue that is important to nursing, such as acute pain, chronic pain management, coping with illness, or health promotion” (p. 131).

Define your broad research topic in one to two sentences.

Identify your Research Problem

Grove, Gray, and Polit (2015) explain that a research problem “is an area in which there is a gap in the knowledge needed for nursing practice” (p.131).

Write your research problem and explain the significance and background in a 175- to 260-word narrative.

Develop your Research Question

Research questions should be short, probing, and take variables into account (Grove, Gray & Polit, 2015). Although the PICOS format is not required, your question should address patient, intervention, comparisons, outcomes for practice, and study design.

Develop a one-sentence research question.


** Here is the research topic and question that was already done by my previous studypool tutor. I need help tweaking it, as I received a failing grade on this:

Research Topic

Assessing Strategies to promote emotional health among nurses in emergency and trauma centers.

Research Problem

The nursing profession is filled with numerous stressors that these professional are exposed each and every day. These range from the social, psychological and physical stressors that their line of duty exposes them to each and every single day. As scholars Akbar, Elahi, Mohammadi and Khoshknab (2016) indicate stressors in the workplace have a negative effect on an individual and could adversely affect them as well as their performance. Nurses who work in emergency and trauma centers are no exception and they face the same challenges and stressors that other nurses do. However in comparison they get to see a lot of human suffering and injuries which come with both physical and psychological pain. In order for this group of professional to effectively perform their jobs, they must be able to deal with these stressors and maintain good emotional health. Despite this fact more often than not these professionals fail and it can negatively affect their emotional health. This paper aims to determine the strategies which can be employed to promote good emotional health among them. This is necessary and important because these professional form the largest part of the healthcare profession and contribute immensely towards the healthcare outcome of patients.

Research Question

What strategies can be used to promote good emotional health among nurses in emergency and trauma centers?

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