COM180 Module 4 Argosy Team Conflict Video Transcription Assignment 1: Conflict By the due date assigned, submit your responses to the Discussion Area. W
COM180 Module 4 Argosy Team Conflict Video Transcription Assignment 1: Conflict
By the due date assigned, submit your responses to the Discussion Area.
Watch the video scenario entitled “Conflict.” Click hereto view the text transcript of the video. Imagine that you are a member of the group, sitting silently and observing the conversation. You have a good working relationship with all of the people who are in the meeting, and you and the others have openly given each other feedback to help improve workplace performance. As you observe the meeting, you notice some things that took place and want to share that information with your colleagues so that they are aware.
In the discussion area, write an e-mail to your colleagues with your observations, at least two or more specific observations, of the meeting and how their verbal and/or nonverbal communication might have been interpreted. Provide your colleagues with at least two or more strategies that you have learned in this course that might help them in future brainstorming meetings.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 250–300 words and should reference specific terms and concepts from the text and materials presented in this module. Be sure that your response includes two or more specific observations and two or more specific strategies based on what you’ve learned in the course.
After you have made your initial post, be sure to respond to your classmates. Imagine that you are another colleague who works in this company and is taking the same Interpersonal Effectiveness course as the person who wrote the e-mail. The writer of the post has asked you to read his or her e-mail for feedback before it is sent. Your feedback should be positive and point back to the material that you have learned in this course.
Responses to classmates’ posts should be substantive and be at least 150–200 words in length. Your responses should elaborate on your thoughts, bringing in terms and ideas from your text and classroom materials to support your ideas. Please post and respond following the criteria listed below. COM180
Conflict Video
I know—how about this? It’s a quality issue, right? And people love
prizes, right? So, why don’t we offer them a prize if we don’t fix their
unit right the first time?
A prize? They don’t want a prize! They want their system fixed!
Okay, well then, why don’t we have a prize for the tech with the best
customer stats?
Hell-o! It’s always a tech’s mistake! Sometimes the replacement unit’s
bad. Remember?
Okay, then, why don’t we have our prize for the best replacement unit
What’s with the prizes? This is going nowhere!
Jane, this is a brainstorming session. A free flow of ideas and all.
Right, Kenneth?
Kenneth: [Pause, eyes on phone] Absolutely.
Damian: Like, uh, when I was in school, we would throw out all kinds of ideas,
and the teacher would say, like, there’s no bad ideas.
That’s because she never heard these! Look, can we skip past the
Fine, then, but I still think we need something for our…our customers’
Like, to reward them for their loyalty. While we’re getting things
straightened out with unit suppliers.
Absolutely. An incentive to stay with us.
Damian: Hey, I had a teacher once who would give out gift cards for school
Something like that could work, too.
I like it. A customer-appreciation gift card.
[exasperated] And we’re back to the prizes!
Jane, do you have any unique ideas you’d like to offer?
Sure! Why don’t we give our best tech a date with Rachel, and they
could talk about our fabulous prizes!
Damian: Come on, guys.
Just an idea!
I was just trying to help.
And I was trying to keep us on track.
Kenneth, you want to step in here?
Kenneth: Absolutely.
Damian: [to himself] Wow. It’s just like school.
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