Impact of Internet Addiction on social interaction For this assignment I have to prepare a document that includes a research question(s), including how you
Impact of Internet Addiction on social interaction For this assignment I have to prepare a document that
includes a research question(s), including how your research will add to the
current research in your chosen field. Your document will include seven scholarly, peer reviewed, empirical studies from the past 5 to 7 years. This
section should include APA formatted citations for each article, including
permalink; additionally a short annotation for each article stating how the
literature shows your research is needed. However, I have done this! THE TITLE AND REFERENCES ARE ALREADY FOUND, all you need to do is include how the current title will add to field of social psychology AND write SHORT annotations about the article stating how the literature shows research is needed under each reference. THIS must be done for each reference given.OPEN UPLOADED FILE, you will notice all references I provided are from the school library. However, to assist you on information about these journals you can look them up and they will appear online with abstracts or you can use whatever databases you have access to gain information on them. Do not copy the abstract, please use your own words and follow complete directions. THANKS!No plagiarism allowed, it will be checked!! TITLE: How does online internet addiction impacts social interaction among college students?
1. Include how the current title will add to field of social psychology HERE:
2. Now ADD ANNOTATIONS under each reference given below: Remember to write a
SHORT annotation about the article stating how the literature shows research is
needed. THIS must be done for each reference given. No plagiarism!
Alam, S. S., Nik Hashim, N. M. H., Ahmad, M., Wel, C. A. C., Nor, S. M., & Omar, N. A.
(2014). Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empericial study
in Malaysia. Intangible Capital, 10(3), 619–638. Retrieved from: https://doi-org.lopes.idm.
oclc. org/10.3926/ic.452
Chou, C., Condron, L., & Belland, J.C. (2005). A review of the research on internet
addiction. Educational psychology review, 17(4), 363. Retrieved from: https://lopes.
Karimzadeh, N. (2015). Investigating the relationship between internet addiction and
strengthening students’ social skills. Educational research and reviews, 10(15), 2146–2152.
Retrieved from:
/login.aspx? direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1095277&site=eds-live&scope=site
Savci, M., & Aysan, F. (2017). Technological addictions and social connectedness: predictor
effect of internet addiction, social media addiction, digital game addiction and smartphone
addiction on social connectedness. Dusunen Adam: Journal of psychiatry & neurological
sciences, 30(3), 202–216. Retrieved from: https://doi-org.lopes.idm.
DAJPN 2017300304
Zhang, Y., Mei, S., Li, L., Chai, J., Li, J., & Du, H. (2015). The Relationship between
Impulsivity and Internet Addiction in Chinese College Students: A Moderated Mediation
Analysis of Meaning in Life and Self-Esteem. Plos one, 10(7), 1–13. Retrieved from: https://
Jia, Z., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., & Yang, L. (2018). Chinese university students’ loneliness and
generalized pathological internet use: a longitudinal cross-lagged analysis. Social behavior &
personality: an international journal, 46(5), 861–869. Retrieved from:
Wang, E. S.-T., & Wang, M. C.-H. (2013). Social support and social interaction ties on internet
addiction: integrating online and offline contexts. Cyberpsychology, behavior & social
networking, 16(11), 843–849. Retrieved from: https://doi-org.lopes.idm.
1089/cyber. 2012.0557
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