DQ 2 Ethical Standards Management Communications Discussion 2 In a 250-300 word response, relate an organizational example of the use or lack of use of eth

DQ 2 Ethical Standards Management Communications Discussion 2 In a 250-300 word response, relate an organizational example of the use or lack of use of ethical standards in management communications. The example may be from your own workplace or from a business situation with which you are familiar. Support your answer by indicating why you believe it is an example of communicating in an ethical manner and why you believe the decision was made to communicate in the particular manner. Use references to validate your analysis. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by commenting on the examples they have given. Baack, D (2012). Management Communication [Electronic Version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 8.5 Chapter Review
Ethics are principles about what is good or bad, right or wrong, and appropriate or inappro
priate that often lead to a code of behaviorbased on those principles. Business ethics are sta
ndards and guidelines regarding the conduct of commerce. Ethical communicationconsists
of all messages and relevant items of information that are passed along in a manner that is t
ruthful, does not violate the rights ofothers, and does not aim to deceive.
Ethical issues arise for individuals, groups and organizations, and in governmental systems.
Ethical management communicationchallenges among these are simply part of operating i
n an active business world. Shareholder activism involves shareholders taking amore activ
e role in influencing decisions, including ethical components, made by corporate executives
Four common foundations of ethical thought guide business and communication decisionmaking: utilitarianism, individualism, the rightsapproach, and the justice approach. Also, th
ree ethical components in any system are the ethical, economic, and legal elements.
Communication can serve as a medium for unethical actions through deliberate mistruths,
halftruths, withholding information, silenceand stonewalling, misdirection, and obfuscation. Th
e goal of each of these unethical actions is to deceive or to communicate informationthat vi
olates ethical standards. Unethical messages designed to harm others include coercive, inti
midating, destructive, intrusive, secretive,exclusive, hegemonic, manipulative, and exploitat
ive messages.
Ethical responses include promoting ethical communication through clarity, transparency,
honesty, objectivity, credibility, coherence,loyalty, and respect for human beings. Four elem
ents in ethical activities are ethical sensibility, ethical reasoning, ethical conduct, andethical
leadership. Codes of ethics also assist in building ethical business environments.
Three frameworks aid in understanding personal moral development. Kohlberg’s theory, Gi
lligan’s response, and Perry’s framework allportray ethical reasoning as something that de
velops and evolves over time.

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