Module 2 Widget pro project Management 1. Start by converting the WIDGET PRO WBS into an Indented WBS format. 2. Review the WIDGET PRO Activity List. Enter

Module 2 Widget pro project Management 1. Start by converting the WIDGET PRO WBS into an Indented WBS format.
2. Review the WIDGET PRO Activity List. Enter the tasks in the Microsoft Project software tool.
3. Use the WIDGET PRO Activity Duration Estimates below and enter the work activity durations into the Microsoft Project. Use “Weeks” as the time period.
4. You will have to create a Schedule Network Diagram so you know the dependencies to enter into the Microsoft Project. Use the WIDGET PRO Activity Sequence to create the Schedule Network
Diagram. Enter the dependencies (finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, etc.) into the Microsoft Project schedule as instructed. The output of Microsoft Project at this stage is the Project Schedule to be submitted at end of Week 3. Contact your instructor, if you unsure whether your diagram is correct or you need help.
Use the PowerPoint presentation to help you create the Schedule Network Diagram Module 2 Assignment – Course Project Task 2
Submit Assignment
Due No Due Date
Points 10
Submitting a file upload
The due date is Saturday at 11:59 PM EST.
You should have a good understanding as to what is the purpose for the WIDGET PRO Project. You should
also have a good understanding of the product and project scope. Finally, you should have developed the
Project Scope Statement for the project. This week you will develop the Project Schedule and establish the
Schedule Baseline.
Unfortunately, this course is only 7 weeks. There is not much time to teach how to use Microsoft Project. Be
sure to watch all Project 2016 videos listed under the Required Resources each week.
1. Start by converting the WIDGET PRO WBS into an Indented WBS format.
2. Review the WIDGET PRO Activity List. Enter the tasks in the Microsoft Project software tool.
3. Use the WIDGET PRO Activity Duration Estimates below and enter the work activity durations
into the Microsoft Project. Use “Weeks” as the time period.
4. You will have to create a Schedule Network Diagram so you know the dependencies to enter into
the Microsoft Project. Use the WIDGET PRO Activity Sequence to create the Schedule Network
Diagram. Enter the dependencies (finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, etc.) into the
Microsoft Project schedule as instructed. The output of Microsoft Project at this stage is the Project
Schedule to be submitted at end of Week 3. Contact your instructor, if you unsure whether your
diagram is correct or you need help.
Use the PowerPoint presentation to help you create the Schedule Network Diagram
Schedule Baseline (1)
100.0 to >75.0 pts
75.0 to >40.0 pts
40.0 to >0.0 pts
0.0 pts
•All activities match
time period of Project
Schedule. •All durations
within Schedule
Baseline are accurate.
•Total Activity column
and Total Monthly
activity row values are
•Three or less activities do
not match time period of
Project Schedule. •Three
or less durations within
Schedule Baseline are
inaccurate. •Total Activity
column or Total Monthly
activity row values are
•More than three activities
do not match time period
of Project Schedule. •More
than three durations within
Schedule Baseline are
inaccurate. •Total Activity
column and/or Total
Monthly activity row are

100.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

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