THTRFLM 1T03 McMaster A Doll House Short Essay Short Essay Tip!Sometimes people miss the basic idea that you are writing about a performance of the play th
THTRFLM 1T03 McMaster A Doll House Short Essay Short Essay Tip!Sometimes people miss the basic idea that you are writing about a performance of the play that you are imagining – your production. You are not just writing about the play. You need to imagine yourself as a designer and describe the specific choices you will make in order to create an interpretation of the text on stage for a McMaster audience. Don’t just tell us what happens in the scene, tell us how your production will create insight on the action.If you don’t make production choices, you will not do well on this essay. Have fun! SHORT ESSAY ON A DOLL HOUSE 10%
1T03: Theatre, Cinema and Society
350 words, typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins all around in Times or Times Roman 12pt font.
Do NOT exceed the word limit. A concise and precise argument is required. It should be formal in
structure but you may use the first person since you are presenting your own ideas as a designer.
list of Works Cited is required and should be formatted in MLA style
·for MLA style citations see
·play should be listed in the Works Cited in the same way as an article in a book except that the
title of a full-length play is italicized. Play title should also be italicized whenever mentioned in
the body of your essay.
·within the text of the essay, refer to Act and line numbers, not pages
·Act 1, lines 945 to 1060 = (1.945-1060)
SUBMIT an electronic copy to the Dropbox for this assignment on the course website.
Your essay should persuade a production committee to support you in producing the play by
convincing them that your production of A Doll House will get an audience of your peers to question
something about their own lives or expectations of the world. To do this you need to answer two
In your production, what do you want to highlight in the action of A Doll House? How do you want
your audience to connect with the characters and the action of the play?
How would you use ONE production element in ONE of the following scenes in a way that would
focus audience attention on the issue(s) you want to raise?
·Act I, lines 534 to 616: “Dr Rank enters from Helmer’s study” to “Helmer comes in from his
study, hat in hand”
·Act II, lines 505 to 642: “MAID (enters from the hall) Excuse me madam” to “Goodbye Mr.
Helmer. (he goes out through the hall).”
·Act III, lines 155 to 282: “NORA (still in the doorway, resisting him) No, no, no” to “You will
won’t you? Aren’t I your husband?”
N.B. Choose ONE of the following production elements to discuss in your essay:
Audience Outreach
Set Design
Lighting Design
Costume Design
Sound Design
Clear thesis statement that indicates exactly the point you wish your production to make
Concise analysis and argument that shows HOW your particular use of your chosen production
element for your chosen scene will help you make your point – connecting production choice to
the production of meaning.
Writing style that is persuasive, shows the links between ideas and makes your point in a concise
If you do not propose a design choice, then you cannot succeed in this assignment. Textual analysis of
the play is important but not sufficient.
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