Ethical analysis and decision making discussion please read the article and provide 5 toughtful commentsgive me 6-8 sentences for each Pg167: This chapter

Ethical analysis and decision making discussion please read the article and provide 5 toughtful commentsgive me 6-8 sentences for each Pg167:
This chapter is intended to provide especially new students of ethics with an overview of some of the
most commonly used the-oretical frameworks for ethical analysis and decision-making, In this direction,
we begin with discussion (and writing exercises} regarding {1) utilitarianism and (2) deontology. Before
turning to additional theoretical frameworks, we then explore (3) important meta-theoretical
frameworks – frameworks for thinking about the theoretical frameworks. (As we will see, the diversity
of theo-retical frameworks naturally raises questions such as: which ones – if any -are right? And, can
more than one be right? And so forth. These sorts of questions are thus the focus of the metatheoretical frameworks of ethical relativism, ethical absolutism [monism], and ethical pluralism.) With
these meta-theoretical frameworks in hand, we then return to additional theoretical frameworks: (4)
feminist ethics and ethics of care, (5) virtue ethics, (6) Confucian ethics, and (7) additional perspectives –
We have seen, digital media present us with at least three sorts of ethical challenges. First, they raise for
us ethical problems already familiar from our use of more traditional media – e.g., whether or not to
illegally copy a song for one’s own personal use. But, second, these familiar difficulties are now
sometimes accompanied by new wrinkles – e.g., the ease with which such copies can be (perfectly)
made, cheaply stored, and rapidly distributed makes such copying all the more tempting tl1an in the
days of vinyl records and reel-to-re·e1 tape machines. Third, new media may present us with
distinctively new ethical problems. Perhaps most dramatically, as persons in important ways are ever
more dependent on information about them {including personal identification records, banking and
other financial transactions, etc.), it is by no means clear that “privacy” as understood in the modern but
pre-digital era can be meaningfully sustained. And, as we saw in chapter 4, our being globally
interconnected with one another may mean that all of us, not just a few, are obliged to learn the virtues
of cosmopolitan communication.
For you, the course is not so hard, but your friend is really struggling. You’ve promised to help her study
this evening; you both need to get a good grade on the exam and in the course to keep your grade point
average at the level required for your scholarships. Just as you’re walking out the door to go to your
friend’s apartment, a good friend calls you up and says that he and some of your buddies are at the local
pizza place, having dinner and some beers. They’d really like you to come on over -in part, because you
owe them a round or two of drinks from the last time you got together. What do you do?

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