Impacts of The Civil War On Present Day Logistics ******I have attached a word document with an example and instructions of what the paper should look like

Impacts of The Civil War On Present Day Logistics ******I have attached a word document with an example and instructions of what the paper should look like. Question #3 states how will this paper benefit me in my line of work, (Logistics Management) so pick a topic that could be tied in with logistics and the Civil War.******

The Final Project Proposal Paper due in Week 3 will be no more than two pages and will be a formal proposal of your Core Assessment Paper. In this paper you will answer the following questions:

– What is the purpose of your proposed paper?

– Why do you think it is important?

– How do you anticipate this paper will benefit you and the field?

– What research / professional literature topics are you likely to search to better understand the current state of knowledge of issues linked to your topic?

– What do you believe your paper will reveal?

The paper will be due as a Word attachment by 11:59pm (CST) of the last day (Sunday) of Unit 3.

This assessment is designed to assess primarily Core Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

CLO: Analyze the disciplinary content (history) in its own context and in relationship to the issues, questions, and positions of other disciplines (literature, psychology, sociology). ILO: Analyze the American Civil War and the Great War as watershed moments in regard to both war and culture (military history, literature, psychology, sociology).
CLO: Compare and contrast differences and similarities among the disciplines (history, literature, psychology, sociology) in terms of central concerns, values, methodologies, and relationships to public life. ILO: Evaluate the American Civil War and the Great War regarding military and political concerns, values, methodologies, and relationships to public life and cultural concerns, values, methodologies, and relationships to public life
CLO: Synthesize diverse perspectives to achieve an interdisciplinary understanding. ILO: Synthesize historical, literary, psychological, sociological, and political perspectives regarding war and culture, using the American Civil War and the Great War as case studies.
CLO: Analyze the relationships among academic knowledge, professional work, and the responsibilities of local and global citizenship. ILO: Analyze the relationships among historical, literary, psychological, sociological, and political knowledge, professional work and the responsibilities of local and global citizenship regarding war and culture.
CLO: Evaluate multiple perspectives, modes of inquiry and expression, and processes for decision-making in the disciplines. ILO: Evaluate perspectives, modes of inquiry and expression, and processes for decision-making in history, literature, sociology, psychology, and politics regarding war and culture.

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