Grand Canyon Response to Annileydis DQ1 Post According to CDC, birth weight is the weight of the newborn measured immediately after birth. Birth weight of

Grand Canyon Response to Annileydis DQ1 Post According to CDC, birth weight is the weight of the newborn measured immediately after birth. Birth weight of fewer than 5.5 lbs, or 2500 grams, is considered low birth weight. A low birth weight infant can be born too small, too early, or both. This can happen for many different reasons which may or may not be related. For example, smoking during pregnancy may make a baby too small (growth retardation), even if that baby is carried the full 40 weeks of pregnancy. For this reason, low birth weight information on the Tracking Network includes only infants who are born full-term(2018).

Short term that may be present by low birth weight babies is low levels of oxygen, inability to maintain body temperature, immature lungs, difficulty with feeding, infections, bleeding in the brain, jaundice and breathing problems. RSV respiratory syncytial virus is one example of the respiratory infection of low birth way babies.Also, these babies have to stay longer in a hospital and need to be treated in NICU which increases the cost of care.For families that do have insurance, it represents an issue because it cost a lot of money. Long term consequences may include, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and different developmental problems. Delays in a common factor in low birth way babies, for example, delay in walking, talking, relationship and accomplishing milestone normal for his or her age. If these disabilities appear the kids may need early intervention services which may help the kids to improve your kids’ development.…
Early Steps, please call (800) 218-0001, this program is offered by Florida health department

Disparities relative to ethnic and cultural groups may contribute to low birth weight babies statistics indicate that preterm birth, low birthweight, and infant mortality are significantly greater for black non-Hispanic infants than for white non-Hispanic or Hispanic infants.Also, drugs, high blood pressure , certain medications, infections , problems with the placenta, no gaining enough weight by the mother, having twins , alcohol, smoking , low socioeconomic status, domestic violence are some of the others causes that may cause a baby to born low birth weight or preterm.

National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. (2018, December 04). Retrieved from
Read Chapter 1 in Health Assessment: Foundations for Effective Practice. Use the Appendix as needed to complete your assignments.…

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