PSY 101 Methods of Learning What are the similarities and differences between classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning? What
PSY 101 Methods of Learning What are the similarities and differences between classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning?
What are the situations in which each of the types of learning may be useful?
By the end of this discussion, you will be able to:
Explain the principles and processes involved in classical conditioning
Explain the principles and processes involved in operant conditioning
Compare and contrast the applications of and distinctions between classical and operant conditioning
Describe the nature of observational learning
Complete the following:
Choose one of the three methods of learning discussed in this module, classical conditioning, operant conditioning or observational learning. Describe this form of learning in detail. Provide a specific example of learning by yourself or someone you know that made use of this method. Be sure to relate the specific principles of the method of learning to the example.
Part 2
As we have seen, memory is a very complex process that involves encoding, storage and retrieval. Failure of any one of these steps can result in information being lost. Fortunately, there are many different ways of enhancing the ability to remember. In this assignment you will be asked to research and report on one effective method. As you create your discussion post, consider the following:
What techniques can enhance memory retention and each stage of the process?
What is one specific method and how does it work?
By the end of this discussion, you will be able to:
Discuss ways we encode information and what we encode
Demonstrate the nature of storage
Compare and contrast the different measures of memory and discuss the cues that affect memory retrieval
Analyze the controversy concerning repressed and recovered memories of abuse
Apply the understanding of memory to promote effective study techniques
Complete the following:
Choose one step in the memory process, encoding, storage, or retrieval. Then choose one method or technique for improving the processing of information at that stage to make it more likely that the material will be available for retrieval. The method you choose should be something that you can apply in your everyday life. Using the textbook and at least one other source, describe the technique in as much detail as possible and explain why it works, using the appropriate vocabulary related to the principles involved. Then describe how you would apply this method for your own benefit. The additional source should be, in order of preference: Peer-reviewed (professional) journal articles, books on learning and memory, or websites dedicated to one of those topics.