Rasmussen College Borderline Personality Disorder Outline Assignment Based on the mental disorder that you have chosen to research, draft a basic outline d

Rasmussen College Borderline Personality Disorder Outline Assignment Based on the mental disorder that you have chosen to research, draft a basic outline detailing how the topic synopsis will be extended into a paper form. This outline should be very basic, and detail the general format of the paper.

Your outline should be formatted similar to the example below:

Topic Sentence – what the paper will be about?
How the essay will proceed.
Section one
Point A
Point B
Point C
Section two
Point A
Point B
Point C
Summary of the paper.
Parting comments regarding current directions/state-of-affairs for the mental disorder you chose.

Borderline Personality Disorder- This what my topic is about and below is my how I started the essay

Borderlines Personality Disorder is a type of mental illness in which the person affected exhibits certain behaviors or thoughts. These behaviors include unstable mood, inability in keeping stable relationships, erratic behavior, dependent personality, and the occurrence of co-dependent relationships or behaviors (Chanen, 2012). Borderline Personality disorder affects approximately 1 and a half percent of Americans, or roughly 4 million people (Kernberg, 2009). Borderline Personality It is one of the most common personality disorders and its cause is unknown. Studies have shown that there may be some genetic predisposition to those who have Borderline Personality Disorder, and the common genetic traits displayed in familial cases of BPD show a common link of anger issues, impulsivity, and affective instability (Chanen, 2012).

People with Borderline Personality Disorder may experience mood swing and display uncertainty about how they see themselves and their role in the world. As a result, their interest and value change quickly. It can negatively affect intimate relationship, job, school, social image, and self-image. Treatment that help people with BPD are lots of therapy, medications, family support, group support, and sometimes hospitalization if symptoms are severe. However, it is often difficult to effectively treat people with BPD, because they display erratic, unstable moods that could swing from positive to negative in a matter of moments (Kernberg, 2009). Borderline Personality can affect anyone, but it is often diagnosed in adolescent.


Chanen, A.M. & Kaess, M. Curr Psychiatry Rep (2012) 14: 45.


Kernberg, O. F., & Michels, R. (2009). Borderline Personality Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry,166(5). Retrieved April 12, 2018.

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