Interviewing Business Owners World Trade Views Suppose, you are interviewing six local business owners to determine their attitudes toward world trade. Do
Interviewing Business Owners World Trade Views Suppose, you are interviewing six local business owners to determine their attitudes toward world trade. Do they buy or sell goods produced in those countries?. Please answer interview questions in “word” file, as if you are interviewing business owners 1. Please provide a brief response to the following questions.
Do you believe world trade is good? Explain why.
Do you believe world trade helps to increase jobs? Explain why.
Do you believe that world trade helps to increase economic growth? Explain why.
Do you feel the U.S is being treated unfairly in world trade? Explain why.
2. Do you buy or sell goods in the following countries? (Identify if they buy or sell, the type of goods,
i.e. foods, household products, equipment, etc. Ask for an approximate percentage per month.)
European Union:
3. Do you feel the following countries provide favorable conditions that allow easy entry and trade
with the U.S.? [Have them reply with one of the following selections: Strongly agree(5), agree(4),
neutral(3), strongly disagree(2), disagree(1). We could then compile into a table and use the numerical
values to average a final combined rating amongst the sample business owners.]
European Union:
Introduction: Written in the style of an executive summary. Provide import/export statistics from the
listed countries with the U.S. A kind of status where world trade stands with the U.S. with maybe an
explanation of the report and what we hope to identify for the President.
Background: We can use data from the open-ended questions here to provide a general consensus of
business owners view on world trade.
Analysis: Provide graphs presenting data from question 2 showing products and percentages
bought/sold and table with rankings and average ranking for countries from question 3 with a written
analysis explaining this info.
Conclusion/Recommendation: General conclusion of how business owners view world trade along with
maybe a recommendation to focus on promoting/developing interest to persuade business owners to
participate in trade with the less favored countries from our research? Or maybe different products?
**We also need to remember to cite our sources for any background/information data received from
the internet etc. Most of the info will come from personal interviews that you don’t cite on a reference
line, but we do need to have some stuff to list even if only from the intro.
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