Topic 3 DQ 2 Intrinsic Motivation Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:Intrinsic rewards are one of the meth

Topic 3 DQ 2 Intrinsic Motivation Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:Intrinsic rewards are one of the methods that can be used to motivate your staff , meaning rewarding your staff with motivating rewards thats largely intangible (Ricci & Wiese, 2012). This means if we are the staff, we place more value on the outcomes that are sourced from within ourselves, rather than from external factors. It cal also be linked to our feelings, for example feeling satisfied and capable, enjoying a sense of challenge, reinforcing self esteem, satisfaction at accomplishments, general enjoyment in our work, feeling appreciated, satisfaction at realizing our potential and taking pleasure at being treated with care and consideration. On the other side, other methods are extrinsic rewards which refers to motivation by external or tangible rewards. We are motivated to perform by things or factors which come from other people or organizations (Ricci & Wiese, 2012). Typically, these are increasing in salary, promotions, benefits and bonuses. Examples of intrinsic motivation is when you see nurses enjoy taking care of their patients because it makes them feel good inside to be able to help them and see that they are able to make someone’s day great. Some nurses hope and pray that they bring blessings to their patients and families, to see them smile and feel better brings great rewards. Examples of extrinsic motivation are wanted due to external rewards such as awards, money, and praise. In the past when I worked on long term care our DON would offer rewards to employees, we has at one time a high number of falls, so the DON created teams for no falls. Who ever has the least number of falls each month was reward with a gift card, lunch or longer lunch breaks. This engaged employees to receive an external reward, which brought about good results and less fa lls.The characteristics of a performance-driven team are when everyone works together as a team and share the same goals (Ricci & Wiese, 2012). Teams that understand each other and engages in discussion during meetings then everyone gets a chance to share their opinions will have good decision making. A team charter paves the way for collaborative success by providing clarity that builds trust and accountability (Ricci & Wiese, 2012). Reference:Ricci, R. & Wiese, C. (2012). 10 Characteristics of High-Performing Teams. Retrieved from…

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