THR 100 Hay Fever Response Paper The book is : Hay Fever by Noel Coward, Feb. 20-24, AND Savage by Koskinen, Newman, and Lozano, Hay Fever Response Pa

THR 100 Hay Fever Response Paper The book is : Hay Fever by Noel Coward, Feb. 20-24, AND Savage by Koskinen, Newman, and Lozano,

Hay Fever

Response Paper Guidelines

THR 100

Papers should be 2 to 3 pages in length, double-spaced, and turned in via the Turnitin Link found on the classroom Canvas Site no later than 11:59 pm, Tuesday, February 19. Late papers will not be accepted!

Pick one of the topics below.

1.Analyze the through line of any character in Hay Fever.State the objective and goal for the character, what the conflict is, and how it comes to a resolution.State whether or not the character was successful in achieving his/her objective.Give specific examples of dialogue from the text to defend your argument.

2.In General, plays are either structured in a Climatic or Episodic form or a combination of the two. Discuss which form Hay Fever follows.Is there one major action or several seemingly unrelated actions?Discuss how the plot uses the element of Exposition. Give specific examples of dialogue from the text to defend your argument.

3.Define who the protagonist is in Hay Fever.State the protagonist’s complication, the decision the protagonist makes to overcome that complication as well as the character’s change at the end of the play.Give specific examples of dialogue from the text to defend your argument.

Rubric on Next Page!

Response Paper Rubric

3 points — Paper should be written in standard paragraphs with an introduction to the topic, at least three body paragraphs defending the argument of the paper and a conclusion paragraph. Paper should have one inch margins on all sides and be at least two full pages in length and use a standard size font.

3 points — The use of proper spelling and grammar. Then inclusion of a work’s cited page.

3 points — A full and succinct discussion of one and only one of the assigned questions paying attention to those elements given in the response paper prompts.

3 points — The use of text/dialogue from the play to support and back up the argument presented in the paper. There must be at least three quotes from the play included in the paper. Each body paragraph of the paper must be supported with a quote of dialogue or stage direction from the play.

3 points — The student’s overall use of style, creativity and ease of reading in their submitted response paper. While creativity and originality are encouraged the paper should stay focused on the topic and have an ease of comprehension.

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