MMPA6465 Walden Innovation and Virtual Environments In order to create lasting positive social change, it is essential for organizations to consider new id
MMPA6465 Walden Innovation and Virtual Environments In order to create lasting positive social change, it is essential for organizations to consider new ideas and possibilities. Creating a culture that encourages innovation allows organizations to thrive in the midst of an ever-changing world. One significant change in recent decades is the increasing use of virtual environments to share ideas and information. As a current or future organizational leader, it is important for you to consider the implications of innovations and virtual environments on strategic planning.
For this Discussion, locate and select two scholarly articles—one article should discuss strategies for innovation in strategic planning and one article should discuss strategies for strategic planning in virtual environments. Consider how you might apply these strategies within an organization to effect positive social change.
Post a brief description of the two articles that you selected, including strategic planning strategies for innovation and virtual environments. Explain how you might apply these strategies to effect positive social change.
Novitski, B. J. (2008). Managing the ever-more-distributed workforce. Architectural Record, 196(11), 83.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
This article examines strategies for managing the influence of globalization on organizations. It focuses on overcoming cultural differences and using new technologies effectively.
Gunn, R. A. (n.d.). An organization that doesn’t plan its future isn’t likely to have one. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from…
This web article explores the importance of strategic planning, benefits of planning for organizations, and potential pitfalls. It also examines the steps of the planning process and explains how to start the strategic planning process.
Special Libraries Association. (2001). Strategic planning handbook. Retrieved from…
This handbook examines the strategic planning model, including short- and long-range planning. It also explores benefits and pitfalls within the process.
Dusenbury, P. (2000). Strategic planning and performance measurement. Retrieved from
This article examines performance measurement in strategic planning for organizations in Florida, Oregon, and Minnesota.