WEB240 University of Phoenix Usability and Accessibility Test Assignment Perform a usability test on your website home page. Develop questions and work wi

WEB240 University of Phoenix Usability and Accessibility Test Assignment Perform a usability test on your website home page.

Develop questions and work with a peer to answer questions on your site usability.

Run an automated accessibility test on the home page of your school website.

Use both the WebAim Wave (http://wave.webaim.org) and ATRC AChecker (http://www.achecker.ca/checker) automated tests.

Describe the differences in the way these tools report the results of the test. Did both tests find similar errors?

Write a half-page report that describes the results of the tests and includes your recommendations for improving the website Running Head: Individual:
Expanded Website Plan
Online chat page
This feature will allow our visitors to interact with the management team to get more
information about the website or available jobs. The feature will consist of one text field
where users will insert their message and a button to submit the message. Below the submit
button there will be some hidden text fields where sent messages and replies will be
FAQs page
This is a Frequent Asked Questions page that will allow our visitors to view some past
questions which were have already been answered by our management team. The questions
will be arranged from the most asked question to the list one. Most visitors have similar
questions and hence the page will save time by having some questions answered for our
visitors. The page will be composed of an HTML table with a number of auto-generated table
data each having hidden text fields where questions and their respective answers are
displayed. At the bottom the page, there will be a text field and a button to allow the user post
their own question in case the question is not on the list.
Newsletter page
This feature will allow our visitors to subscribe for news and updates for new jobs using their
email address or phone numbers. All our subscribers will receive notifications in their emails
or phones in case a new job that matches their profession is posted. The page will have a text
box where users will input their email address, a combo box with a list of professions from
which users will select their profession, a check box which users will select to confirm that
they have agreed to our terms and conditions, and a submit button to submit the subscription
All the input fields will be validated using JavaScript.

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