MBA516 Managerial Finance The Saudi Stock Exchange Market Analysis Aims of assignment You should develop, through research and analytical skills, the abil

MBA516 Managerial Finance The Saudi Stock Exchange Market Analysis Aims of assignment

You should develop, through research and analytical skills, the ability to:

Locate sources of information for your companies, industries and market of choice.
Use several quantitative and IT tools to present and analyze collected data
Check the performance of a particular sector of the market

Important Notes

The assignment should be conducted as individual or a group of 3 maximum.
Submit a hard copy in the class.
The use of Word and Excel is a must.
Late submission will have 20% of the mark deducted per day.
Copying from the Internet or any other source without referencing is considered as a cheating case and the student will be penalized according to Al Faisal University policy.


You are required to analyze 10 companies from Tadawul.

The Company annual reports

Collect data on the companies for the past 3 years (2015, 2016 and 2017) for the following variables:

Balance sheet;
Income statement;
Cash flow statement;

Investigate and analyse the latest three Financial Statements (you can find them from the company’s website or from Tadawul).Assess the companies’ performance by looking at the appropriate liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, Leverage ratios, Profitability ratios and market value ratios. Compare the company performance over the past three years (time-series analysis) and with each other, peer group analysis.

You are required to rank the companies and to provide statistical measures to prove your analysis.

10 companies selected from tadawul

Hail Cement Co.
Najran Cement Co.
Qassim Cement Co.
Tabuk Cement Co.
Al Jouf Cement Co.
Umm Al-Qura Cement Co.
Northern Region Cement Co.

Southern Province Cement Co.
Eastern Province Cement Co.
Yanbu Cement Co.

through below link:…

Please I need your support to calculate the ratio ,I have developed attached excel but I’m not sure about my calculations ,please check attched excel & review all data for me 🙁 also I need you to create the market value ratios

but I could not find the market price & book price

please when you do the analysis ,I need you to explain everything in details so I can understand it.

Also I Have attached the slides & the book for your reference

At the end I need complete excel plus Word 10 to 12 pages

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