Apple Commercial Analysis Please watch this commercial and write a analysis about it.Make sure your answer all of question below. (At least 1000 words) ht
Apple Commercial Analysis Please watch this commercial and write a analysis about it.Make sure your answer all of question below. (At least 1000 words)
What is the commercial about?
Are the characters credible? Who are they and what is it about the characters that make them credible (or not)? For example, if one of the characters in a commercial is wearing glasses, does that make the character seem more intelligent? Is the character hip or square? Why do you think these elements were introduced?
Who is the target market? Where would this commercial or advertisement be shown or placed (on what television channels or in what magazines)?
What persuasive techniques are used? Do they work for you?
What learning or memory techniques are used? Do they work for you?
What is the expected consumer behavior? In other words, how are consumer expected to react? What decision making is desired (cognitive, habitual, and/or affective)?
What cultural influences are anticipated? These might include cultural values, reality engineering, cultural stories, sacred or profane consumption, and/or global cultures.
How is consumer and social well-being affected? This might include satisfaction, addictive consumption, or consumed consumers (the “dark side” of consumption).
What perception-related elements take place? Visual, sound, touch, etc. What stages of perception take place?
What components of “self” occur? This includes fantasy, self-concept, symbolic interaction, personality, brand identification, body image, etc.
Are attitudes involved? How are they expressed?
What components of consumer identify are expressed? This includes gender identify, ethnic and racial subculture, religious subculture, and age.
What components of social class are expressed? This includes income, class, status and social capital, and lifestyle identify.
What other components are expressed? This might include word-of-mouth communication, opinion leadership, innovation adoption, exclusivity, etc.
What other observations can you include? What have others said about this commercial?
Does it work for you? For others? Why or why not? What might you do differently if you were the director or marketing consultant for the product?
You can conclude by asking fellow students in the class for additional observations, comments, or questions.