Writ 321 300 words response to a podcast Writing a Critical Response ( Listen to the podcast found in the Dropbox link ~ 50 minutes long, and write a 250-3

Writ 321 300 words response to a podcast Writing a Critical Response ( Listen to the podcast found in the Dropbox link ~ 50 minutes long, and write a 250-300 Words response using the guidelines )

Reading/listening critically means being able to construct, extend and examine the meaning of what is being presented.

When writing the critical response to podcasts this semester, please consider the following:

Develop an initial or global understanding of what the piece is about.
Review and rethink ideas to inspect, refine, and deepen your initial understanding and develop interpretations.
Make connections between what you are reading and your own experiences and knowledge, thereby changing, confirming, or adding to what you know.
Take a critical stance by thinking about the piece from the perspective of how and why it was developed the way it was by the author(s).

To read/listen critically involves the ability to make judgments about how a text is presented or argued. This is a highly reflective skill requiring readers to stand back and gain some distance. Active and critical reading/listening is the process of asking questions and developing answers.


https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b2qwis6jk97jfbp/AACzuZJ… HAYNES—WRIT 321
Writing a Critical Response
(250-300 Words, double-spaced)
Reading/listening critically means being able to construct, extend and examine the
meaning of what is being presented.
When writing the critical response to podcasts this semester, please consider the

Develop an initial or global understanding of what the piece is about.
Review and rethink ideas to inspect, refine, and deepen your initial understanding
and develop interpretations.
Make connections between what you are reading and your own experiences and
knowledge, thereby changing, confirming, or adding to what you know.
Take a critical stance by thinking about the piece from the perspective of how
and why it was developed the way it was by the author(s).
To read/listen critically involves the ability to make judgments about how a text is
presented or argued. This is a highly reflective skill requiring readers to stand back and
gain some distance. Active and critical reading/listening is the process of asking
questions and developing answers.

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