White Privilege Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack Follow format: “U.S. minority students lack teachers who look like them” (See Canvass assignment). White

White Privilege Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack Follow format:

“U.S. minority students lack teachers who look like them” (See Canvass assignment). White Privilege (located at https://psychology.umbc.edu/files/2016/10/White-Pr… (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)


Journal Article Critique-Required Format

Article: Darling-Hammond, L. (May/June 2006). Constructing 21st-century teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 57(3), 186-213.(Double space after this section)

Summary: Single-space the summary section of your article.

Give a brief, but concise summary (overview) of the content of the article that you have selected to critique. In the summary section, do not give any direct quotes from the article. Do not write

more than one paragraph for this section of your critique.

(Double space after you have typed the summary section)

Analysis: Double-space the analysis section of your article critique.

This is the most important section of the critique. This section must include information relative to numbers 1-3 shown below. You may include other information, as you deem appropriate. This section must be a minimum of two (double-spaced) pages, but no more than three pages. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.).

Recapture the specifics of the article, has substance, is written in natural language.
Knowledge or information gained from your experiences (working in business/industry, teaching), or from information you have learned from other classes/professors or colleagues.
A pro or con summary or conclusion statement concerning your overall position about the article you are reviewing. Remember, you must have a rationale for your beliefs or views about the article that you are reviewing.

Reference(s): Type all supplemental references, if you use other articles for your critique on a separate page. All References, including supplemental articles must not be dated back past three years. You must cite all references used in the appropriate section of your critique. Plagiarism is a serious offense. See section 6.22 and 8.05 of the APA Manual.

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