EC200/EEC2613 Rasmussen Mod 3 Appropriate Curriculum Assignment Imagine you are the teacher of the children and program presented in the video below. The
EC200/EEC2613 Rasmussen Mod 3 Appropriate Curriculum Assignment Imagine you are the teacher of the children and program presented in the video below.
The Hidden Value of Routine Activities
You are in the planning stages of authentically extending the children’s learning and interest based off of your observations of the creative expression activity, referenced in the video. Your goal is to create a developmentally appropriate group activity, which accounting for one child’s individual needs and interests.
Step 1:
Review the video as many times as needed
Step 2:
Based on the video, create a group lesson plan for an activity that would extend the children’s learning. Your lesson plan should include the following.
a. The name and a brief summary of the activity
b. At least two (2) Learning objectives (What do you want the children to be able to do as a result of the lesson?)
c. Materials (List the type and quantity of all materials needed to complete the lesson).
d. Step-by-step instructions on how to implement the lesson
e. Describe how you will assess the lesson’s effectiveness. (How will you know the learning objectives are or are not being met?)
Step 3:
Choose an individual child from the video, in paragraph form, detail at least two (2) lesson modifications and or leaner accommodations you would make to support the needs and interests of your chosen child. Describe how each modification or accommodation would support the child’s learning development
Step 4:
Include a reflection on the 3-core considerations of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) include at least one (1) example of how each consideration has been addressed by your lesson plan. Your paper should be at least one (1) page length and your writing should be free from grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.