Academic Research And Writing on Plagiarism Essay Read these books to answer questions “What Every Student Knows: Thou Shall Not Copy” by Robert Rivard; “R

Academic Research And Writing on Plagiarism Essay Read these books to answer questions
“What Every Student Knows: Thou Shall Not Copy” by Robert Rivard;
“Rise of the Plagiosphere” by Ed Tenner:
“Forget about Policing Plagiarism. Just Teach,” Rebecca Moore Howard.
” Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age” by Trip Gabriel.

1.Answer the seven (7) questions in “Focus Points: Original Ideas and Common Knowledge” on pp. 52-53 in Academic Research and Writing.

2.What is the central message or thesis of the essays by Rivard, Tenner, Moore Howard and Gabriel? What evidence, list at least three examples, do (the authors) use to prove her/his thesis? Is her/his argument effective or does he prove his thesis?

3.Why is Rivard outraged at his colleague’s actions? Do you think his reaction is fair?

4.What is “plagiosphere”? To what does Tenner compare it in order to explain its impact and importance? Do you think this is an effective comparison?

5.What distinctions among “types” of plagiarism does Moore Howard discuss? What is her purpose for distinguishing among the types? What is the impact of these distinctions on her argument and your understanding of plagiarism?

6.According to Gabriel, how do college students conceive of authorship in the “digital age”? Does this conception of it resonate to you?

7. Based on having viewed the videos, read the chapter in the textbook and articles, provide a robust and evidence-based definition of plagiarism. Use quotes or paraphrase from at least three of the resources discussed above to support your definition.

8. Provide a contemporary (in the last five to ten years) example of plagiarism in the public space. Discuss the way your example connects with the ideas you have explored in the readings for this discussion board.

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