Personal Philosophy of Social Studies Education I will send you the links to the articles that need to be cited in my paper after someone says they can hel

Personal Philosophy of Social Studies Education I will send you the links to the articles that need to be cited in my paper after someone says they can help.

You should write 4-5 paragraphs that include the following, divided into two different sections with the appropriate subtitles:

Considering the Content

Briefly explain your philosophy of social studies education. Why is social studies an important part of the school curriculum, regardless of grade or school level? Cite sources we have read for class.

Provide an overview of what students are expected to learn in elementary social studies, taking care to discuss the fifth-grade curriculum. Explain why the concepts and skills students should have acquired by the end of 5th grade are important for students to learn (How are they central to the discipline? How are they relevant to understanding the world today?). Refer to and cite the Michigan standards and the C3 Framework.

Considering the Learners

Summarize what we know about how students learn, and some of the factors that might influence their learning. Cite sources we have read for class.

Summarize what relevant content you can expect your students to have learned in school (prior knowledge) by the time they enter a 5th-grade classroom. What can you expect that they’ve studied that will relate to 5th grade curriculum?

Address challenges you think students might face in learning the content in 5th grade.

You must cite all or most of the readings that have been assigned in the first part of class.

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