Preventing and Responding to Mass Casualties Attacks What steps can law enforcement take to prevent and respond to mass casualty attacks in the United Stat

Preventing and Responding to Mass Casualties Attacks What steps can law enforcement take to prevent and respond to mass
casualty attacks in the United States? Should law enforcement be
proactive or reactive when it comes to such threats?

Law enforcement is challenged by mass casualty events due to the size,
scope and intensity of such incidents. Responses and proactive
strategies will depend on how the cause of the casualty is defined.
Generally, major accidents are not a part of police preventative
measures but that of other companion agencies. Certainly, as first
responders law enforcement is prepared to assist and control the site of
a mass casualty event and to investigate the cause. At times,
intelligence-led policing will assist in preparing for potential
criminal or terrorist attacks along with cooperative relationships with
local, state and federal authorities and intelligence agencies.In your discussion, respond to the following questions.What strategies and actions should law enforcement pursue in the prevention of criminal and terrorist mass casualty incidents?What actions should law enforcement pursue in the response to mass
casualty events in the case of a criminal act and the case of a
terrorist act?On balance, what is your opinion on which is more important: law
enforcement being proactive or reactive as they relate to crime and

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