Status Report / Informational Memo Provide a Status Reports / Informational Memo (200 points @ 50 points each) in the correct format. Use the Memo Format o

Status Report / Informational Memo Provide a Status Reports / Informational Memo (200 points @ 50 points each) in the correct format. Use the Memo Format on page 590 in your text, BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TODAY . The Status Report (Informational Memo) will be submitted weekly as a PDF or Word Doc to your CEO (Instructor) addressing his questions or concern via CANVAS Assignments locate in each module.

The Report will be:

Brief (1-page, single spaced). PDF or Word Doc uploaded to CANVAS
In an Informational Memo format. Templates:Internal Information Report-1.jpg Internal Information Report-1.pdf
Cover the key areas and objectives of lessons given.
Give a progress assessment in meeting key areas and objectives.
Present future objectives and opportunities.

Assignment Rubric


Compliance with all directions.


Content was logical, well written, and demonstrated adequate topic research.


No evidence of plagiarism. All sources properly sited.




Answer the following question for the Boss……


We are about to recruit additional staff for Human Resources Department and I need your opinion as to how we should put the recruitment announcement together. What should be included in the announcement? What should we avoid? Looking forward to your opinion.

The Boss,

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