Sales Management Business Ethical Program Strategy One of the outcomes for this chapter is to understand how to build a sales ethics program. Table 10-1 on

Sales Management Business Ethical Program Strategy One of the outcomes for this chapter is to understand how to build a sales ethics program. Table 10-1 on page 272 in your text titled “Eight Ways to Keep Your Sales Force Honest” suggests activities that should be considered for inclusion in a sales ethics program.Your assignment is to search the Web for the best corporate sales ethics guide in your opinion. Once you find it, write a short paper on why you think it is outstanding. Be very detailed. For example, if you think the corporate guide you are submitting does a good job on cyber-security, tell why. Attach the corporate sales ethics guide(s) to ulearn in addition to your assignment document.To assist you further in this assignment, I have attached an Ethics Program Guide from It lists some excellent points that should be included in an ethics (not necessarily sales) program and gives details with each point. It is included as an aid but you are not required to use it as part of your assignment.To fully meet the requirements for this assignment per the grading rubric, you must attach the ethics guide that you find, and you must discuss 7+ terms from that ethics guide, and of course make a connection to the textbook reading of the week.

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