An ETM topic and Problem Statement NO plagiarism please. All work MUST be original. If I notice plagiarism, I will ask for a refund and not use the work.
An ETM topic and Problem Statement NO plagiarism please. All work MUST be original. If I notice plagiarism, I will ask for a refund and not use the work.
Note: The problem should NOT be discussed by other students in the past. It should be
a new topic in which there is an added value to Engineering Technology Management.
Problem Statement
The Problem Statement must be typed, 2 line spacing, one-inch margins, contain the
‘Problem Statement’ title, project title, and student name centered at the top of the page. The
Problem Statement must not exceed one (1) page, front only and must contain the following
purpose or intent of project;
clear and thorough, yet concise description of problem;
need for solution of problem; and,
basic solution approach including a list of five to eight (5 – 8) major steps to be
accomplished with a brief description (1-2 sentences for each step).
Technical analysis potential within each of the five to eight major project steps must be
evident and clear. Additionally, the associated ETM department option area and estimated time
in weeks must be identified for each major project step