EC211/EEC2401 Rasmussen Mod 4 Supporting Parents Written Assignment In this module, you reviewed milestones and stages of development for infants, toddlers

EC211/EEC2401 Rasmussen Mod 4 Supporting Parents Written Assignment In this module, you reviewed milestones and stages of development for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children. For this assignment, choose one of these age groups and create a 1-2 page handout to give parents. Your handout can be in the form of a newsletter, brochure, or informational sheet. The handout should convey a sense of professionalism, as such, it should have correct grammar and spelling. You may also choose to include images to make it more visually appealing.

In your handout

1. Inform parents of the development and milestones typical to your chosen age group in each of the PILES (physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social) domains.

2. Explain behaviors (both positively and challenging) that may occur and how parents/families may be affected by these behaiors.

3. Give specific suggestions for parents to use in dealing with these behaviors.

4. Include the name and address of the web resource parents can go to for more information about child development of children in the specific age group selected.

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