Rasmussen Sexual Harassment & Disparate Impact For this assignment, read the case of Robinson v Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc. To access this case, perform t

Rasmussen Sexual Harassment & Disparate Impact For this assignment, read the case of Robinson v Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc. To access this case, perform the following search:

Open Fastcase Quick Case law search.
Type “Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards” in the Quick Caselaw Search box
Press the Search button
Results appear, generally the case will appear towards the top of the list. Be sure to select this exact case: Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc., 760 F. Supp. 1486 (M.D. Fla. 1991)

Using the Rasmussen library, your text and other appropriate resources, address the following in a 3-4 page APA paper:

Discuss the facts of the case.
How does this case demonstrate the concept of disparate impact and how can an employee prove disparate impact?
How did the court come to the conclusion that the acts by coworkers constituted a claim of “sexual harassment”?
What types of situations has the court explained that qualify as sexual harassment?
Use a minimum of 3 credible sources such as scholarly journal articles. Be sure to cite your resources and include an APA formatted title page and references page.

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