Food and Millennials please read the two links and do the Q and let me know if you have Q T Rachel Cernansky, “Millennials Spending More Money Eating Out,

Food and Millennials please read the two links and do the Q and let me know if you have Q T
Rachel Cernansky, “Millennials Spending More Money Eating Out, Less Time
Preparing Food at Home,” SN Supermarket
Emmie Martin, “90% of Americans Don’t Like to Cook, and It’s Costing Them
Thousands Each Year,” USA Today
the Q I mush do :
Tell us about your experiences with cooking, eating out, and money. Do you
cook? If so, what? How does cooking impact your eating, grocery, dinnertime habits?
Do you think you agree that millennials are eating out more than other age
groups of people? What impact does this have on their money?
What new idea did you encounter in the reading this week that is already
reshaping your thinking for the better?
For full credit, please respond to the posts of TWO classmates.

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