Eng 1102 Essay Based on a Drama Select one of the plays that you read and write an essay based on the provided writing assignment. The essay must be NO FEW

Eng 1102 Essay Based on a Drama Select one of the plays that you read and write an essay based on the provided writing assignment. The essay must be NO FEWER than 1000 words. Essays containing fewer than the minimum word count will NOT be graded. You should not have more than 20% from outside sources (in this case the textbook). That is no more than 200 words. NO outside sources other than the textbooks should be used (no internet!).


Imagine you are a lawyer hired to defend Minnie Wright. Present your closing argument to the jury. Make sure you include references to situations that occurred in the play and cite them according to MLA formatting.

• The essay should be no fewer than 1000 words.

• The essay should include citations from the text.

• The essay should NOT include outside sources. You should include both inner citations and a works cited page in MLA format from any information you used in the textbook.

• Students should make sure that they answer the entire question and support their answers.

And also, the high quality and the original work are needed.

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