EC211/EEC2401 Rasmussen Mod 1 Family Systems Theory Reflection Paper An important part of this course involves taking time to identify your personal belief

EC211/EEC2401 Rasmussen Mod 1 Family Systems Theory Reflection Paper An important part of this course involves taking time to identify your personal beliefs and culture so that you can better understand how they impact your decisions involving family and early childhood education.

For this assignment, write a 1-2 page reflection using proper spelling and grammar. Be sure to explain how the family Systems Theory applies to your personal family and address the following:

1. Define your Personal Family System. In an introductory paragraph describe who you consider to be a part of your family and then discuss each of following points in regard to your family in the body of your paper.

a. Boundaries

b. Roles

c. Rules

d. Hierarchy

e. Climate

f. Equilibrium

2. After defining your Personal Family System, discuss how it impacts your perspective on the concept of family.

3. Finally in your conclusion paragraph discuss why it is important to know about your own Personal Family System. Be sure to explain its application to family centered care and education.

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