Klamath-Modoc culture For this assignment, you will pick one, or two, of the HNAI readings from Week 3. Describe what archaeologists might find as remnants

Klamath-Modoc culture For this assignment, you will pick one, or two, of the HNAI readings from Week 3. Describe what archaeologists might find as remnants of the culture group you chose, what of their material culture is likely to survive in the archaeological record. How might archaeologists distinguish this culture group from others based on material remains? Describe specific types of artifacts and ecofacts you think would preserve, as well as features (or partial features), and site types.

All answers must be written in proper essay format using correct grammar, spelling, etc.

Essays should be a minimum of 700 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced).

All articles and chapters referenced must be included in a separate References Cited page at the end. MLA format.


HNAI vol 11 and 12 – Northern Paiute, Klamath and Modoc chapters, attached in file. No outside resources needed!! Use only attached files. Purchase answer to see full

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