CRJ350 Criminal Justice ASU Police Crackdowns Discussion Help Studies have proven that “crack downs” really do little to actually reduce crime. So why do t

CRJ350 Criminal Justice ASU Police Crackdowns Discussion Help Studies have proven that “crack downs” really do little to actually reduce crime. So why do they continue to be popular among certain law enforcement figures and agencies? A major reason is because they generate a lot of publicity that can be used for political gain. Here in Arizona, like many other places across the country, local sheriffs are elected, and must run for office periodically.

Read and watch the following before posting your reply.

‘America’s toughest sheriff’ found guilty of criminal contempt (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Trump Pardons Joe Arpaio, Who Became Face of Crackdown on Illegal Immigration (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

What do “crack downs” really accomplish? Are they effective? Why or why not? Do you believe crackdowns are ultimately good or bad for the community? Why?

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