ISCOM305 Apple.Inc Product iPhone XR Slides Create a 2-slide visual presentation with speakers’ notes for each slide in which you identify the new product

ISCOM305 Apple.Inc Product iPhone XR Slides Create a 2-slide visual presentation with speakers’ notes for each slide in which you identify the new product that your company will consider.

The chosen company is Apple.Inc and the product is iPhone XR.

Address the following, and ensure that you explain your rationale for each item:

Orientate the Executive Committee by giving a short background on the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the company and how they relate to the new product.

NOTE: 2 slides only and each slide needs to have detailed speaker notes with in-text citation according to the refrences used.

Each slide needs to have bulletpoint’s contents with very short sentences. not a crowded paragraph.

Use image, graph, or any other visual aids.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Use at least 1 academic references.

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