Common Labor Union Issues For Nursing Staff In Healthcare In this assignment, you will research labor relations and common labor union issues for the nursi

Common Labor Union Issues For Nursing Staff In Healthcare In this assignment, you will research labor relations and common labor union issues for the nursing staff in an acute care organization.


On the basis of your research, present an analysis addressing the following:

What are the common labor union issues for nursing staff in an acute care organization? (You may select another setting of interest to you.) Explain at least five such issues.
How can these issues be addressed by HRM?
How do these issues impact contract negotiations and organizational performance?
What challenges do you foresee related to labor union issues for nursing staff in an acute care organization?
Submission Details:

, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.

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