The Water Cycle * Propose a set of three “construction” options for this topic, with one being the strongest (in your opinion) and one being the weakest (i

The Water Cycle * Propose a set of three “construction” options for this topic, with one being the strongest (in your opinion) and one being the weakest (in your opinion).* Explain in a few sentences what you as the author of the options, originally felt were the strongest and weakest construction options and try to persuade other peers in your opinion As attached the 5 options Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly
Exercise: Life Cycle of
What could students “construct” to help them learn about
1. Painting of a butterfly in one of four stages
2. A written paper explaining butterfly life cycles
3. A presentation with pictures explaining butterfly life cycles
4. A video about butterfly life cycles
5. Diagram comparing various stages of butterfly life cycle to
other animals.

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