Rasmussen History of The Medical Education System Written Assignment The Association of American Medical Colleges was founded in 1876. It set minimum stand

Rasmussen History of The Medical Education System Written Assignment The Association of American Medical Colleges was founded in 1876. It set minimum standards for medical education but was unable to enforce its recommendations. The American Medical Association (AMA) obtained the help of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to provide a rating of medical schools. The foundation appointed Abraham Flexner to investigate medical schools located in both the United States and Canada. The Flexner Report, published in 1910, had a profound effect on medical education reform.In a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format, address the following:Explain the history of the medical education system leading up to the creation of the Flexner Report.Explain how the Flexner Report has contributed to medical education reform.

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