THET 101 WVU The Magic Flute Paper What is being attempted? Play right or director for entertainment or to convey knowledge (InSite into humanity). Was th

THET 101 WVU The Magic Flute Paper What is being attempted? Play right or director for entertainment or to convey knowledge (InSite into humanity).

Was the attempt successful? Did it entertain us? Or did give as an insight into society? Did individually have insight into myself? Or socially? Or theater experience? And what is was?

Was the attempt worthwhile? Thinking of all the time and people going into the play. Was it a good play for the actors to act in and why? Was it worthwhile for students? And for the playwright? Did the actors learn something new?

follow these steeps please

Name of Play in Italics

On (date) I attended (name of play) (place) “the date that i attended was 02/01/2019”

at minimum of four paragraphs single-spaced.

Font: Times Roman Num or Calibri 11

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