ENG106 Grand Canyon University Exchange of Human Organs Legalized Essay Definition Argument Essay Assignment Goal Write a 1,500-1,750-word essay using fi
ENG106 Grand Canyon University Exchange of Human Organs Legalized Essay Definition Argument Essay Assignment
Write a 1,500-1,750-word essay using five to seven academic resources in which you argue that a contested “case” involving the sale, trade, or donation of human organs fits (or does not fit) within a given category. A case may include a specific news article, story, or incident illustrating a dilemma or controversy relating to the exchange of human organs. The case does not need to be a court case.
Follow these steps when composing your essay:
1.Start by selecting a controversial case found in the media involving the sale, trade, or donation of human organs. For example, an appropriate case might include a story in the news about an organ broker, and the term to define might be “criminal.”
2.Decide what category you think your case belongs in, with the understanding that others may disagree with you about the definition of your category, and/or whether your chosen case matches your category.
3.In the opening of your essay, introduce the case you will examine and pose your definition question. Do not simply summarize here. Instead, introduce the issue and offer context.
4.To support your argument, define the boundaries of your category (criteria) by using a commonly used definition or by developing your own extended definition. Defining your boundaries simply means naming the criteria by which you will discuss your chosen case involving the sale, trade, or donation of human organs. If you determine, for example, that an organ broker is a criminal, what criteria constitute this? A criminal may intentionally harm others, which could be one of your criteria.
5.In the second part of your argument (the match), show how your case meets (or does not meet) your definition criteria. Perhaps by comparing or sizing up your controversial case to other cases can help you to develop your argument.
This essay is NOT simply a persuasive essay on the sale, trade, or donation of human organs. It is an argumentative essay where the writer explains what a term means and uses a specific case to explore the meaning of that term in depth.
First Draft Grading
You will receive completion points for the first draft based upon the successful submission of a complete draft.
Because your first draft is a completion grade, do not assume that this grade reflects or predicts the final grade. If you do not consider your instructor’s comments, you may be deducted points on your final draft.
Final Draft Grading
The essay will be graded using a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations.
Include in-text citations and a references page in GCU Style for FIVE to SEVEN scholarly sources outside of class texts.
These sources should be used to support any claims you make and should be present in the text of the essay.
Use the GCU Library to help you find sources.
Include this research in the paper in a scholarly manner.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. ENG-106 Rubric: Definition Argument
% Scaling
1: Unsatisfactory
2: Less Than
3: Satisfactory
4: Good
5: Excellent
Does not have title, and
has missing or
indiscernible thesis
statement and minimal
evidence to support main
ideas. Argument includes
elements of reasoning by
definition, but does not
center on a definition
argument. Student does
not use outside sources.
Title may not suggest
subject and does not
spark interest. Thesis
statement and/or the
controlling idea are not
clearly stated.
Argument includes
elements of a
definitional argument,
but does not use
strategies (especially
the criteria-match
structure) very well.
Ideas are
underdeveloped and
clichéd. They do not
support the thesis.
Evidence from outside
sources can be
Title suggests subject
but does not
necessarily spark
interest. Thesis
statement clearly
identifies the main
point the author is
trying to make.
Argument centers
specifically on a
definitional argument
and uses strategies
that support it,
including matching
criteria for definition
arguments. Most of
the content supports
thesis, and cited
evidence usually
justifies ideas.
Title suggests subject
and sparks interest.
With a clear,
controlling idea, thesis
statement effectively
identifies the main
point the student is
trying to make. Content
supports thesis well.
Argument centers
specifically on a
definitional argument
and effectively uses
strategies that support
it, including matching
criteria for definition
arguments Specific,
cited evidence justifies
ideas and enriches the
Content & Ideas – 40%
Definition Argument
Content and Ideas
Include an effective
Provide a thesis that
centers specifically on
an argument of
Establish clear criteria
related to the definition
in question.
Match one or more
cases to the established
Use evidence
appropriate for
definitional arguments.
Title suggests subject but
does not spark interest.
Thesis statement identifies
the main point the author is
trying to make. Most of
content relates to thesis
statement, but lacks
sufficient support through
appropriate strategies.
Argument centers
specifically on a definitional
argument, but may not
effectively uses strategies
that support it, including
matching criteria for
definition arguments Cited
evidence sometimes does
not justify ideas.
Organization – 12%
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
No apparent organization
present. Ineffective
introduction does not
invite readers or explain
the subject. The reader
cannot find the thesis
paragraphs lack focus and
topic sentences. No
conclusion present.
No apparent
organization present.
Introduction explains
subject, but does not
engage readers. Thesis
is difficult to find.
paragraphs lack focus
and topic sentences.
Weak conclusion
Organization is clear, but
with minor errors.
Introduction explains
subject, but does not
adequately engage readers.
Thesis may be misplaced.
Paragraphs are not
developed around topic
sentences, and may not
always advance essay’s
ideas. Conclusion
summarizes but does not
Organization aids
readers in
content. Introduction
explains subject, but
may not engage
readers. Thesis
statement is placed
according to the
genre set forth in the
description in the
syllabus. Wellordered paragraphs
are developed around
topic sentences, and
advance essay’s ideas.
Conclusion may be
more of a summary.
Logically organized to
lead readers to
understanding content.
Introduction explains
subject and engages
readers. Thesis
statement is placed
according to the genre
set forth in the
assignment description
in the syllabus. Wellordered paragraphs are
developed around topic
sentences, and advance
essay’s ideas.
Conclusion provides
strong, satisfying
ending, not a mere
summary of the essay.
Essay lacks ONE of
the following:
double-spaced, 12 pt.
Times New Roman
font, 1inch margins,
heading (with name,
course, date, and
assignment title, and
page numbers using
appropriate header
function. All
quotations, and
Layout: Essay is
double-spaced with 12
pt. Times New Roman
font, 1inch margins,
heading (with name,
course, date, and
instructor), assignment
title, and page numbers
using appropriate
header function. All
paraphrases, quotations,
and borrowed ideas are
cited in parenthetical
GCU format; all
Format – 16%
Paper Format
Layout: Essay lacks more
than THREE of the
following: double-spaced,
12 pt, Times New Roman
font, 1inch margins,
heading (with name,
course, date, and
instructor), assignment
title, and page numbers
using appropriate header
function. Not all
information, paraphrases,
quotations, and borrowed
ideas are cited on the page
they appear; little or no
Layout: Essay lacks
THREE of the
following: doublespaced, 12 pt. Times
New Roman font, 1inch
margins, heading (with
name, course, date, and
instructor), assignment
title, and page numbers
using appropriate
header function. Not all
paraphrases, quotations,
and borrowed ideas are
cited on the page they
Layout: Essay lacks TWO
of the following: doublespaced, 12 pt. Times New
Roman font, 1 inch margins,
heading (with name, course,
date, and instructor),
assignment title, and page
numbers using appropriate
header function. Not all
information, paraphrases,
quotations, and borrowed
ideas are cited on the page
they appear; missing one intext citation and/or
reference entry; minor
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
in-text citations and/or
entries on reference page
used; major
documentation oversights
noted; major format errors
and omissions noted;
inappropriate number of
required sources used.
appear; missing more
than one citation and/or
reference entry;
oversights noted;
significant format errors
or omissions noted;
inappropriate number of
required sources used.
documentation oversights
noted; minor formatting
errors or omissions noted;
appropriate number of
required sources are used.
borrowed ideas are
cited on the page that
they appear and are
listed on the
references page
(GCU format); some
minor errors or
omissions in format
noted; appropriate
number of required
sources is used.
sources are listed on the
references page (GCU
format); all citations
and reference entries
are complete and in
alphabetical order;
appropriate number of
required sources is
Voice & tone usually
characterize ideas
effectively create
appropriate mood.
Word choice usually
includes current
standard usage, active
verbs, concrete
nouns, and precise
words. Some slang or
jargon exists in the
paper. Some variety
of sentence structures
strengthens the ideas,
creates vitality, and
avoids choppiness in
the writing. Writing
is mostly concisely
Voice & tone
characterize ideas and
effectively create
appropriate mood.
Word choice includes
current standard usage,
active verbs, concrete
nouns, and precise
words. Sentence
structures strengthen
the ideas, create
vitality, and avoid
choppiness in the
writing. Writing is
Language & Style – 16%
Language & Style
Voice & tone are
inappropriate and
ineffective in creating
appropriate mood.
Inappropriate word choice
used. Sentence structure
includes ungrammatical
structures and no variety.
Writing is wordy.
Voice & tone are
inappropriate and
ineffective in creating
appropriate mood.
Word choice fails in use
of appropriate, precise
language and strong
verbs. Includes too
many to be verbs. No
attempt to vary
sentence structure
noted. Writing is
Voice & tone usually do not
characterize ideas
appropriately or effectively
create appropriate mood.
Word choice includes
nonstandard outdated usage,
too many to be verbs, is not
precise, and is occasionally
incorrect. Some slang or
jargon exists in the paper.
Inadequate variety in
sentence structure noted.
Writing is wordy.
Grammar & Mechanics – 16%
Grammar &
Demonstrates no control
of grammar, spelling, &
Demonstrates minimal
control of grammar,
Demonstrates reasonable
control of grammar,
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Demonstrates high
control of grammar,
outstanding control of
punctuation conventions.
Many errors, such as:
Apostrophe use
Commas misplaced or
Faulty point of view shifts
Pronoun agreement
Quotation errors
Semicolons misused
Run-ons & fragments
Spelling errors
Subject-verb agreement
Tense shifts
spelling, & punctuation
conventions. Several
errors, such as:
Apostrophe use
Commas misplaced or
Faulty point of view
Pronoun agreement
Quotation errors
Semicolons misused
Run-ons & fragments
Spelling errors
Subject-verb agreement
Tense shifts
spelling, & punctuation
Some errors, such as:
Apostrophe use
Commas misplaced or
Faulty point of view shifts
Pronoun agreement
Quotation errors
Semicolons misused
Run-ons & fragments
Spelling errors
Subject-verb agreement
Tense shifts
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
spelling, &
conventions. Few
errors, such as:
Apostrophe use
Commas misplaced or
Faulty point of view
Pronoun agreement
Quotation errors
Semicolons misused
Run-ons & fragments
Spelling errors
Tense shifts
grammar, spelling, &
punctuation conventions.
No errors, such as:
Apostrophe use
Commas misplaced or
Faulty point of view
Pronoun agreement
Quotation errors
Semicolons misused
Run-ons & fragments
Spelling errors
Subject-verb agreement
Tense shifts
Formatting: This is an electronic template for papers written in GCU style. The purpose
of the template is to help you follow the basic writing expectations for beginning your
coursework at GCU. Margins are set at 1 inch for top, bottom, left, and right. The first line of
each paragraph is indented a half inch (0.5″). The line spacing is double throughout the paper,
even on the reference page. Use one space after punctuation at the end of a sentence. The font
style used in this template is Times New Roman. The font size is 12. When you are ready to
write, and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and
start typing. The paragraph formatting should stay the same. If you have any questions, please
consult with your instructor.
Citations: Citations are used to reference material from another source. When
paraphrasing material from another source (such as a books, journals, website articles, etc.),
include the author’s last name and the publication year in parentheses. When directly quoting
material word-for-word from another source, use quotation marks and include the page number
after the author’s last name and year.
Using citations to give credit to others whose ideas or words you have used is an essential
requirement to avoid issues of plagiarism. Just as you would never steal someone else’s car, you
should not steal their words either. To avoid potential problems, always be sure to cite your
sources by referring to the author’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses at the
end of the sentence, such as (Daresh, 2004) and page numbers if you are using word-for-word
materials, such as “There are no simple strategies for accomplishing successful transitions, but
we do know a great deal about how to get off to a good start” (King & Blumer, 2000, p. 356).
The reference list should appear at the end of a paper (see the next page). It provides the
information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the
paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry
in the reference list must be cited in your text. Reference notes are formatted using a hanging
indent of a half inch (0.5″). A sample reference page is included below; this page includes
examples of how to format different reference types—books (Black & English, 1986), journal
articles (Arnold & Dodge, 1994), website articles (“Seventeen Moments,” n.d.), and GCU course
lectures (“Lecture 1,” 2013).
Arnold, J. B., & Dodge, H. W. (1994). Room for all. The American School Board Journal,
181(10), 22-26.
Black, J. A., & English, F. W. (1986). What they don’t tell you in schools of education about
school administration. Lancaster, PA: Technomic.
Daresh, J. C. (2004). Beginning the assistant principalship: A practical guide for new school
administrators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
King, M., & Blumer, I. (2000). A good start. Phi Delta Kappan, 81(5), 356-360.
Lecture 1. (2013). UNV-103: University Success. Phoenix, AZ: Grand Canyon University.
Seventeen moments in Soviet history. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://soviethistory.org/index.php?
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